Seductive Wager

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Book: Seductive Wager by Leigh Greenwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leigh Greenwood
without uttering a low growl and removing herself to the farthest corner.
    The afternoon sun scattered its last feeble rays across the barren fields and retired early to rest; by five o’clock a heavy twilight had fallen over the desolate countryside. The trees, some still stubbornly clinging to dried and useless leaves, grew closer to the road and branches brushed the side of the coach. To Kate, it seemed like a dark and endless tunnel to the ends of the earth, and unconsciously she drew her rug more closely about her. She withdrew her gaze from the window and lay back against the cushions, considerably comforted by the sight of Brett’s broad shoulders so close by, even if he was sound sleep.
    Abruptly the quiet of the wintry evening was rudely shattered by two pistol shots close to the coach. Kate sat up, staring with eyes starting from their sockets at four horsemen who appeared like magic from nowhere, their guns drawn and their horses in a lather. Before she could recover from her shock sufficiently to wake Brett, a hand was thrust through the window sending a shower of glass over the floor, and a gun pointed straight at Brett’s head. Kate clamped her hand over her mouth to muffle a shriek.
    The gun was held by a husky ruffian in a long, heavy coat, a dilapidated knit cap, and a stocking mask over his face. A second man, also with gun in hand, was at the other door. What did they want? How could they get away? She supposed Brett had money, but Martin had never given her any, and if there were any family jewels, they had either been locked up by the trustees or sold for cash. All she had were some valueless beads and some mother-of-pearl earrings.
    Brett continued to sleep, his rhythmic breathing never missing a beat. Provoking man! Just when she needed him most.
    The man at the broken window spoke first. “We got us a looker this time, Sam. With a face like that, she ought to be dripping in sparklers.” His eyes glowed in anticipation. “It’s about time, too. Pickings haven’t been too good lately.”
    “Shut up, Joe,” Sam growled. “You talk too much. Just get on with it and don’t forget the gentleman’s strongbox. Sparklers are good in their own way, but nothing spends like yellow boys.”
    The man called Joe stuck his head in the window. “Don’t you go getting upset, ma’am. We don’t want to hurt you or your husband. Just give us your money and jewels and we’ll let you go peaceable-like.”
    “Knock off the pretty speeches, Joe,” Sam barked impatiently.
    “You never did know how to treat a lady,” Joe responded with a superior air.
    An authoritative voice broke in on the flaring tempers. “You boys give over your arguing, or I’ll take a pistol butt to the both of you.”
    “Hand over the valuables, ma’am,” Joe said with none of his previous politeness. “We can’t spend all day on this roadside.”
    If it had been up to Kate, she would have handed over any money Brett had in his pocket without even waking him. He was too rich to feel the loss of such a small sum.
    “I know this will sound untruthful, but I don’t have any money or jewels, or anything else of value. I’m a very poor woman. This gentleman is escorting me to London where I hope to find a position.”
    Kate had no difficulty reading the disbelief in their faces, and she struggled to overcome her revulsion at having to divulge her personal history to highwaymen. “You must believe me. Would I be dressed like this if I were rich?” She threw back her fur robe to show them her plain clothes and bare throat. “I’d give you anything I had rather than get myself shot.”
    Joe didn’t know what to do next. He could see Kate wore no jewelry, and her clothes were certainly extremely plain. She didn’t even have a maid. Yet she was riding in a luxurious coach, and the man was expensively clothed.
    “They all say the same thing,” Sam warned. “If she won’t give over peaceably, we’ll have her out of the coach

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