SEIZED Part 6: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series)

SEIZED Part 6: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series) by JC Coulton Read Free Book Online

Book: SEIZED Part 6: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series) by JC Coulton Read Free Book Online
Authors: JC Coulton
before it got too intense. IA actually suggested in not so many words that I may have had something to do with Carrie’s disappearance.”
    “Oh Blake. I’m so sorry. That’s just wrong.”
    “When do you have to go back?”
    “Probably a week from now. The union will notify me.”
    “Good. So where are you?”
    “Jersey. Following Jessup.”
    “You’re what? Blake, you can’t be doing this. You’re suspended!”
    “I think he knows where Carrie is. I’ll find out soon.”
    “But if something happens, you have no backup at all.”
    I hear the sob catch in her throat and try to calm her down. “Look sis, it’s okay. I’m watching and waiting. It’s only surveillance. When I know more, I’ll call in for help. I won’t engage. And Ryan is standing by. Look. I’m following a hunch. I love her, Bren. I can’t not do this.”
    She’s silent for a while, and then says, “Okay Blake. Do what you have to do. Please be careful and get your butt back here in one piece. I’ve got something really important I need to talk about.”
    “I will,” I say.
    My interest is peaked. It’s the second time she’s mentioned something big. I almost prompt her to telling me over the phone, but now is not the time. First I need to find out where Jessup Lee is going.
    It started to rain just as I was coming off the bridge. I lost Jessup’s limo more than once on the way here, but somehow, I managed to follow him right to the heart of the same dirty, skanky street corner that Neon uses to display her girls. With every turn in the trip over here, I became more convinced of his guilt. Now, pulling up into the dark street, I can feel the rage bubbling inside of me.
    I park up as close as I dare to. For now I need to go undetected. There’s a group of people at the door but I can’t see everyone clearly. By the time I park down the street from the limo, all I see is the back of Jessup’s pinstripe suit as he disappears inside one of Neon’s brothels. This confirms it. Jessup is involved with Neon somehow. That suit and that short frame was unmistakably his.
    I sit in my car at the end of the street and I watch. This is not the place for anger or acting impulsively. This could be my only chance to prove they’re working together. As I sit there, a few vehicles pull up ahead and peruse the merchandise, then leave. The two girls stand against the wall, and one ends up dropping her purse in the gutter.
    She looks miserable, head in hands and sobbing as she tries to collect everything that’s fallen out of her purse. I decide to drive up and ask if she’s okay. It could be my only way to get details on Carrie if they don’t put her on the street.
    I pull in close to the curb and wind down the window. The dim streetlights outline the silhouette of a terribly skinny looking woman in a dress that’s far too short for her. Her body language looks forced, she’s trying to appear sexy but her shoes are too high, nearly tipping her over.
    It’s not until she makes her way towards me and I open the window that I realize it’s Carrie!
    Oh God, my heart lurches into my mouth. She looks terrible. Ravaged. She doesn’t look anything like she used to. It’s only been a week. What have they done to her?

Chapter Eight
    Something in me looks up when the next car pulls up. I decide to give the escape plan another try. If I can just convince them I’m in need of real help, and get them to take me far enough away, I might make it. Then I can find a way to come back for April.
    I straighten up and try and look sexy while I wait for the car to come to a stop in front of me. At this point, I’m at a disadvantage. They can see me but I can’t see them at all. The lights are so bright they’re blinding. I must look like a deer in the headlights.
    I search the surrounding area. All I see is April looking at her nails. She doesn’t even know I’m here. It’s not her fault, but I still can’t help thinking I’m

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