Selected Letters of William Styron

Selected Letters of William Styron by William Styron Read Free Book Online

Book: Selected Letters of William Styron by William Styron Read Free Book Online
Authors: William Styron
Wolfe’s Eugene Gant I see “Time, dark time, flowing by me like a river”—and that is all one can say. I intend to write some more, whenever I get a chance. That story that you have an idea for sounds very interesting, and I would like to hear the details.
    Whenever I get a chance I’m going to write to Mr. Fleet and thank him for his kind words. I was astounded at the impressive array of judges who liked the story, and until I read Mr. Fleet’s letter I had no idea what competition I was up against. I also enjoyed Eliza’s letter, and please tell her I will write at length when I find time.
    My application for O.C. has not gone through as yet, and I am still in a state of confusion. r This company is due to ship out for California (dread word!) sometime around the 23 rd of this month, and I fully expect to ship out with everyone else, unless a miracle happens. I’m sure that, with a little prodding, the application would go through and be accepted (since I passed the physical), but at present it is lying dormant somewhere in the sergeant-major’s office—while the hour of departure fast approaches! Idon’t mind going to the West Coast and points beyond if I am definitely out of O.C., but I fear that all is lost if I get to San Diego without having had any action taken on the application while I was here at Lejeune. If you have any friends who are friends of Forrestal or any of the other Navy-Marine Corps gods, it certainly wouldn’t hurt to give them the word, as I am beginning to think that I have been kicked around enough. s
    If we are all not restricted to the base this week-end, I will try my very best to get up to see you. It may be the last time for quite awhile, so I will try and get a pass. If I do get off, I’ll wire you before-hand, giving time of arrival, etc.
    Well, I had better close now. Again, I appreciate the fine letter; and that “pardnership of Styron + Styron” is okay with me! Please write soon, and love to all.
    Your son,
    P.S. You should have seen me throwing TNT grenades today. Quite a thrill!
    May 8, 1945 Quantico, Virginia
    Dear Professor Blackburn,
    I got your note last Saturday, and was both surprised and pleased to learn that my story had been received so favorably by the judges of the Story contest. Since I was home last weekend, and saw the letter which you had written to my father, I was still more surprised to learn that the story stood among the top ten or so. t
    As you might have noticed from my address, I am at Quantico now, taking a “refresher course” which will ostensibly prepare me for the O.C.S. So far it has proved to be nothing much more than a relief from the atrocities of New River, since the program here is designed more to treat us like gentlemen and future officers, and less like recruits. I am scheduled to enter O.C.S. in about two weeks, and from then on out I can only keep my fingers crossed, and hope I make it.
    I have an idea for another story germinating, but I don’t know when I’ll get a chance to write it down. I also see more and more every day which might go toward that novel, and I hope to come back to Duke after the war and complete it.
    Whenever I finish writing the story I have in mind I’ll send it to you for criticism, approval, and disposition. Thanks again for all the help you’ve given me, and I hope to see you sometime before very long—with bars, I hope.
    Bill Styron
    Styron was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps in July 1945. Following the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August, Japan surrendered on September 2, 1945. After commanding a guard platoon on Hart’s Island in Long Island Sound, Styron was discharged in December and he returned to Duke in March 1946
    March 8, 1946 Duke University
    Dear Pop,
    I just now went down and got the money order, which I appreciate very much. I will attempt to keep track of all my

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