Selling it All

Selling it All by Josie Daleiden Read Free Book Online

Book: Selling it All by Josie Daleiden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Josie Daleiden
Tags: Fiction, adventure, Romance, funny, Temptation, fun, sell
Senora.” Sarah said to the
woman in her broken Spanish, while she rubbed the red marks on her
    “Eyyee, Mr. Jose es muy loco!” The woman said
with an angry look on her face.
    Sarah was already up and out the door.
    “Jessica, I'm emailing you my location. I
need you to come pick me up.” She furiously mashed buttons on the
touch screen of her phone while she talked out loud.
    “Wow Sarah, you ignore all my messages today,
and then you start barking orders at me? Not cool girlfriend...”
Jessica chastised.
    Sarah paused and caught herself. “Jess, look,
I'm sorry. I was tied up, um literally, at Joseph Blake's house. I
need to reschedule the Nickerson's showing.”
    “Done already.” Jessica said coolly. “I
figured something was up when you failed to check in.”
    Sarah felt the weight of the world lift from
her body. “Oh my God, I owe you so much. If it wasn't weird,
I'd kiss you right on the lips.”
    “Heh, heh, I don't like you like that kiddo.
Just give me the deets on your little meet up with the mysterious
Joseph Blake and we'll call it good.”
    Joe stepped out of his car and stretched long
and loud. He groaned and growled as he reached his long arms to the
sky. Free to do what he wanted, he took his time getting the bag
out of the passenger seat.
    He came across a sporting goods store that
had a fifty-pound bag of field marking chalk. He had the great idea
of pouring the powdered stuff into the ventilation system of the
house that Sarah was showing next week. When the heat tripped the
air conditioner on, the house would become an instant winter
wonderland inside! He hummed merrily to himself as he strolled past
one of Sarah's signs staked into the manicured front lawn. Staring
back at him from the sign was the cheery face of the woman
currently tied to his guest bed. He reached down, and yanked the
sign out of the ground and tossed it over his shoulder with a
melodramatic flourish.
    He switched the heavy bag of powdered chalk
to his other shoulder, and reached for the polished brass door
handle. His smile faded quickly, as he realized that he was somehow
stuck to the door! The bag of chalk fell from his free hand, as he
tried to get a grip on what was happening. He gently tried to pry
his hand off, but whatever had glued him in place was too strong.
He would tear his skin off if he kept struggling, so he fumbled for
his phone right as a call came in.
    Without looking, he unlocked the screen and
held the phone to his ear. “Hello Sarah. I see you freed yourself
from my silk tie?”
    Sarah sat in the Starbucks by her condo and
sipped an iced coffee deliberately while she talked. “I had some
help from your cleaning lady. That was quite a knot by the way.
Were you a Boy Scout or something?” She teased in a calm, purring
    “A Sea Scout, actually.” He snapped back, as
he tried to find a comfortable position in which to lean up against
the door. “What did you glue me to the door with, by the way?”
    She took another long sip from her iced
coffee, right in Joe's ear. “ I figured you might try something, so
I set a little booby trap. That glue is something called Derma Tech
Fusion Bond 3423. My roommate in college did her internship for the
company that makes it, and she actually developed the skin glue
that has you stuck to the door right now. It activates with body
heat. Isn't that cool?” She teased. “It’s supposed to be stronger
than sutures in human skin. There is a release agent, but
Jessica got stuck in traffic and she's having a hard time getting
it to you.”
    Jessica took a big noisy sip from her own
iced coffee as she nudged Sarah's foot with her leg. The two girls
giggled at Joe's expense while he fumed into the phone. Sarah got a
quick thought in her head, and sat up straight to ask him point
    “Did you drug me last night?”
    Joe could be heard exhaling loudly on the
other side. “Well, technically no. It was Ernesto who mixed up the
cocktail that I slipped

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