Sensual Games (Novak Springs #3)

Sensual Games (Novak Springs #3) by Dawn Brower Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Sensual Games (Novak Springs #3) by Dawn Brower Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Brower
to share a table with them—Emma hadn’t liked the idea but still agreed. She didn’t say anything to give him that indication, but Colt knew her too well. He saw the tightness around her lips when Ian had made the offer. She didn’t want to have her ex and his new girlfriend crashing on her date with Ian. If only Emma knew they were just friends. He’d never stopped loving Emma, never would.
    Then Missy walked in and everything fell apart. His chance of making Emma jealous enough to want him back went as cold as the wind blowing around him now. Missy Claybourn was the one person guaranteed to piss her off enough to leave without eating. When he’d gotten back to the table, Alison shook her head. Emma left, and Missy had disappeared before he could talk to her.
    Now he was on his way to meet Alison again. This time for lunch. He walked in to the restaurant and found her already sitting at a nearby table. She was talking to…Ian. What the hell was he doing here?
    “Hey.” Colt looked at Alison then turned to Ian. “How’s it going?”
    “Oh hey Colt. Ian stopped in to get some coffee to go.” Alison sat back in her chair letting her hands fall to her lap. “We were talking about last night…”
    Colt stuffed his hands into the pocket of his jeans and tilted back on his heels. “Yeah?”
    Alison nodded. “Ian was confused about Emma’s…reaction.”
    That’s because the good doctor didn’t have the privilege of living through the hell of the past year. He didn’t know who Missy was to Colt or Emma. How she’d bull-dozed through their life and decimated their relationship into nothing.
    “Yeah, Emma has her reasons.”
    Colt left it at that. If Emma wanted him to know the details, she’d tell him herself. It wasn’t his place to fill in the blanks for Ian.
    “I’m sure she does.” Ian nodded at Alison. “It was nice seeing you. I have to get back to work.”
    Colt watched him leave and gritted his teeth. He didn’t want to like the doctor. If he could, he’d hate him because Emma liked him. Unfortunately for him Ian seemed like a decent guy. Emma certainly could do worse. Hell, she had—she managed to intertwine her life with his. A fast and sure way to heartbreak—his certainly fell apart when she left him. No doubt hers mirrored his in equal amounts of pain and doubt.
    “What was that about?” Colt asked.
    Alison played with her cup. “I don’t know what you mean.”
    “You two looked pretty cozy.”
    “It’s not like that,” Alison insisted. “He’s a nice guy. He came in and recognized me and came over to say hello.”
    Alison reached across the table and smacked him in the shoulder. “What kind of girl do you think I am?”
    “Only one of the best.” He flashed her his most charming grin.
    “Don’t try to coax me into forgiving your lack of manners.” Alison tried to hide a smile but failed when it broke out bright across her face.
    “Yup, I’m completely unforgiveable,” he agreed.
    “Of course you are.”
    Alison picked up the menu and began to scan the contents. Colt had no idea why because they both knew it by heart. She must have something on her mind and was searching for a way to broach the subject.
    “Spill it, Ali.”
    She looked up, her face devoid of emotion. “I don’t know what you mean.”
    “Tell me what’s on your mind.”
    He was starting to get a little irritated. She was holding back, and Colt needed to know what she was hiding from him. It had to do with Emma. She wouldn’t keep it to herself otherwise.
    “Fine. I’ll tell you.”
    “I’m waiting.” He leaned back and crossed his arms across his chest. “Anytime now.”
    “Ian might have mentioned that he and Emma are not dating.”
    What? He couldn’t have heard right. Alison said she was about to start dating again. They ran into them in the process of an actual dinner date. What kind of nonsense was Alison talking about? “I’m failing to understand what you’re

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