Sensual Games (Novak Springs #3)

Sensual Games (Novak Springs #3) by Dawn Brower Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Sensual Games (Novak Springs #3) by Dawn Brower Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Brower
had a lot of questions. Emma had given them her blessing, and now she was acting like a spoiled child in the throes of a temper tantrum. She clearly didn’t know what she wanted. Before she could have a conversation of any kind with Alison, she’d need to get that straight in her head.
    “Okay,” she agreed. What she didn’t say was she had no intention of calling her anytime soon. In fact, Emma actually planned on avoiding her for a while. At least long enough to get a grip on her unwanted emotions. She would not be discussing anything with Alison until she could admit she no longer had any romantic inclinations toward Colt. She owed it to Alison and herself to eradicate them from her heart. She’d pushed Colt away one too many times, and now he was lost to her for good. It was time she found a way to live without him in her life. It hurt, a lot more than she thought it would, to realize she had to let him go. Somewhere in the back of her mind she’d believed he would always be there. What a fool she’d been.
    “You want to explain what that was all about?” Ian asked as they walked out of the restaurant.
    “It’s a long story.” Emma sighed.
    “I’m willing to listen if you want to talk about it.”
    Emma could feel tears form in the corner of her eyes. Damn it she didn’t want to feel this pain welling up inside her heart. “Missy is the one that claimed she was pregnant with Colt’s baby.”
    “I see. I do remember seeing that in the news.” Ian tilted his head and studied her. “She’s the reason you two broke up.”
    “Yeah, pretty much.”
    “I heard the baby isn’t his.”
    “So they say…”
    “You don’t believe it?” he asked, startled.
    “No.” Emma waved her hand. “That’s not it. I don’t know—I’m incredibly sad right now. I’m not good company.”
    “You still love him.”
    “I guess I do.”
    “Then why don’t you tell him that?” he asked, baffled. “If the woman I loved still wanted to be with me I’d jump at a second chance.”
    “I can’t. It’s too late for us.” Emma wiped the corners of her eyes. The tears wouldn’t be held at bay. “He’s happy again. I’m not going to ruin it for him.”
    “You’re a fool. That man clearly still loves you.”
    Emma shook her head. “No, he’s moved on, and I’m not going to destroy his chances with Alison. Leave it be. Promise me you won’t say anything.”
    “Of course, I won’t, but Emma you really should reconsider.”
    “No, and that’s final.” Emma crossed her arms over her chest. “Please don’t push this.”
    “Fine. I won’t, even if I believe it’s a mistake. I’ll file it away as confidential friend information.”
    Emma smiled for the first time since she saw Colt’s arm around Alison’s waist. “Thanks, I’m so glad we met. I’ve needed a friend for a while now.”
    “I’m here, no matter what. If you need to talk about anything call me, and I’ll be there.”
    “Like the Jackson 5 song?”
    He laughed. “Something like that.”
    At least the evening wasn’t ending on a totally sour note. Ian had managed to get a laugh out of her. She meant what she’d said. Colt did deserve to be happy. Missy destroyed a part of both of them, and he’d been the one put through the most. He’d had to deal with people thinking he was a dead beat not wanting to take care of his own kid. At least he got that albatross off his back and was able to move on. She wouldn’t do anything to destroy his happiness. If Alison was who he wanted, it wasn’t her place to get in the way of their relationship.

Chapter Seven
    The cold air blew through him, causing Colt to shiver and pull his jacket closed tighter. The evening before, he’d had dinner with Alison. He wanted to forget the whole night. The cold stare Emma had bestowed upon him as he’d gone after Missy. For the most part, Alison’s plan had gone off without a hitch. They’d come into the restaurant before Emma and Ian. Ian volunteered

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