Serial Volume Three
intensity of the orgasm he forced through me.
    I couldn’t think or hear anything over the moans that flooded out. My body moved against him, desperate and greedy.
    The minute he came was obvious. His body tensed, his cock swelled impossibly wider before he thrust in so deep, I swore I could feel it against the wall of my abdomen. No he wasn’t so big that he actually pushed inside my body, but the force of him was enough to make it feel that way.
    His head spun to the side just then and when I groaned in complaint, he gripped my hair harder. “Shut the fuck up, Pet.”
    Stiffening in reaction to something, he let me go and turned off the water. Within seconds I heard what had caught his attention. There was a slight banging sound coming from the house. Just for the fact that we could hear it in here, I knew that whatever or whoever was making that sound was angry.
    “Stay here.”
    He was gone before I could stop him and I was left alone in the fucking shower. My hands were still attached to the O-ring he’d had installed in the wall above the showerhead.
    The banging stopped eventually, followed by the sound of men screaming. The faint sound of glass breaking in the distance scared me and I instantly startled while trying to tug my hands free of the cuffs. It was no use, I was stuck in place in the shower and until Jude returned, I wasn’t going anywhere.
    Minutes passed, the tension building in me so thick that my heart beat a painful rhythm against my chest.
    “FBI! Is somebody in here?”
    It was a deep voice, one full of authority and strength. I cowered where I stood, unable to curl into a ball in hopes that he wouldn’t find me. Refusing to make a sound, I didn’t move for fear that the links of my cuff would bang against the ring.
    In the end, it didn’t matter. The heavy sound of boots against a floor approached the bathroom, a man coming into view dressed in a black suit and tie.
    “Patricia Wilson?”
    He asked the question, but his voice grew silent when I turned to look at him from over my shoulder. Fire burned behind his eyes, the same darkness that was so recognizable in Jude.
    “Veronica Lapierre.”
    I nodded, not knowing who the man was or why they were in Jude’s house. “Where’s Jude.”
    His eyes trailed over my body, slowing down in their perusal over my ass and hips. His tongue flicked out, wetting his bottom lip for half a second before being pulled back into his mouth. “Are you hurt, Ms. Lapierre.”
    “No! Where’s Jude?” I demanded.
    “Are you being held against your will?”
    Screaming finally, I answered, “No! Jude is my boyfriend. Where is he?”
    The corner of his lip twitched, heat building even more behind his eyes. “I’m sorry to tell you this, Ms. Lapierre, but your boyfriend is going to jail for a very long time. It seems he has a taste for cutting up pretty women.”

Chapter Nine
    I heard the banging on my front door before Pet did. I slammed her against the wall of my shower and told her to shut the fuck up. She would never just shut the fuck up.
    I’d tried fucking her into silence, but it hadn’t seemed to work. She was so aroused by the shower that she’d ended up babbling at the end of my cock, declaring her love for me and her undying devotion.
    I’d been thinking about Patty when I heard them. Voices from somewhere in my building, then that banging.
    I pulled a towel around my waist and went to the front of the apartment, checking the door of my study first to make sure it was still locked. It was.
    As I was about to open the door, it burst open and men spilled in. Swat team types, full riot gear, and their weapons drawn. Fucking insane. The dogs of war in my foyer.
    “FBI. Get your hands up!” One in the front yelled through his visor.
    I obeyed, stood there in my towel, still wet, still smelling of Pet, as the rest of the group swarmed in. One agent strolled through at the end, the arrogant piece of shit. Donovan Blake, the one from the

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