Serious Ink

Serious Ink by Ranae Rose Read Free Book Online

Book: Serious Ink by Ranae Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ranae Rose
She’d taken on a new part-time reception job, and she really liked her boss…
    Of course, she didn’t mention the money troubles that had prompted her to seek out another twenty work hours a week. Instead, she talked about the company, the building … and the news that was public, now that they’d gotten through the press conference. The Elite East Championship Tournament would include a series of events strung out over the next few months, culminating in the championship rounds in August.
    The event was expected to draw fighters not just from local areas, but all over the country. The possibility of winning a twenty-five thousand dollar prize purse at the end of it all would call to hardworking and cash-strapped fighters like a siren.
    Zoe’s jaw had just about dropped when Noah had quoted the prize amount during the press conference. Twenty-five thousand dollars was way more than anything Paul had ever won in the various cage matches he’d participated in throughout the Mid-Atlantic. In comparison, he was fighting for mere pennies. If he managed to fight his way to the top of the Elite East Championship Tournament… Well, the prize money would put them back in the black with Azalea Hall.
    Zoe tried not to think about it too much, not to get her hopes up. Paul was good, but what were the odds, really?
    “You look nice today.” Her father’s voice – raspy and a little shaky from disuse – echoed throughout the room when Zoe paused after finishing her explanation of the tournament.
    For a few seconds, Zoe was stunned into silence. “Thank you,” she hurried to say when she’d gathered her wits. “It’s for my new job…” She retold what she’d said in the first place, in case he didn’t remember. Early onset dementia combined with the effects of the stroke he’d suffered meant that he probably didn’t, and she wanted him to know her news – wanted him to know she was happy.
    For the rest of her visit, he was silent, but Zoe’s spirits were buoyed by what he’d said. Lately, he’d been having a string of bad days – days where he didn’t speak at all. This was a definite improvement. She stayed as long as she could, rising to leave at four-thirty, knowing she’d have just enough time to get to Hot Ink for her shift there.
    “Love you, dad. I’ll be by again soon with Paul and Britney.” She leaned down and hugged him, breathing in the familiar scent of his Old Spice aftershave. He’d used it ever since she could remember, and the scent brought memories of before flooding back – before the onset of his illness, before her mother’s death… Remembering was bittersweet. “Bye for now.”
    Herb was still sitting in the same spot when she emerged into the hall. She bid him goodbye – and happy birthday again – before retreating to the parking lot and climbing into her aged Honda. The car was reliable – she had to give it that – but the heating system seemed to be on the fritz lately. As she pulled out onto the street, it refused to work, blasting out frigid air instead of warmth. She shut it off, not even thinking about having it repaired as Azalea Hall loomed in her rearview mirror, reminding her of her mounting debt.
    What would happen to her father if they didn’t get caught up on bills – if they couldn’t afford to keep him at Azalea? The care there was above average – way above average. Some of the other nursing facilities she, Paul and Britney had visited two years ago, when it had become clear that he absolutely needed professional care, had depressed and even scared her. Azalea Hall wasn’t like that. Though she didn’t like leaving him alone, it wasn’t because she worried about how he’d be treated. She knew he’d be taken care of.
    She couldn’t lose his place at Azalea Hall, no matter what.
* * * * *
    When Zoe arrived home around ten-thirty, there was more than just a new stack of bills on the kitchen table. As she shrugged out of her jacket, something

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