Serpent's Gift

Serpent's Gift by A. C. Crispin, Deborah A. Marshall Read Free Book Online

Book: Serpent's Gift by A. C. Crispin, Deborah A. Marshall Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. C. Crispin, Deborah A. Marshall
kept some off-world furniture for the comfort of visitors. There was an armchair for Robert Gable, and one of the padded, ottomanlike cushions that Chhhh-kk-tu favored, for Kkintha ch'aait, StarBridge Academy's Administrator. The three were old friends by now, having worked together for many years to make their shared dream of StarBridge _Academy a reality.
    Ssoriszs had excellent taste, as well as an eye for color; the suite was decorated in soft shades of green, gray, and rose.
    ¦ The silvery carpeting the Liaison now slid across was specially textured to provide the best surface for the gripping scales on his underbody.
    Fil ed with a renewed sense of inner peace and resolve, Ssoriszs flowed over to the computer link. "Connect me with Professor Greyshine," he said.
    When the Heeyoon's image cleared, Ssoriszs realized that his call had awakened the archaeologist from what had evidently been a most sound and enjoyable nap. Greyshine's greenish-yellow eyes were still slightly unfocused as he stared at Ssoriszs. "Greetings," he said after a moment.
    The slurred sibilants of Mizari were understandable but slightly distorted, produced as they were by a being with a long, furred muzzle. "Your pardon, Esteemed One. I was . . . resting."
    "A thousand apologies," Ssoriszs said hastily. "I regret disturbing you. I was just wondering . .. what were the results of the additional dating tests you ran on the artifacts? Did they confirm our hypothesis?"
    The Professor wrinkled his muzzle as he thought. "The artifacts that we have been able to date are from the correct time period," he admitted finally, then waved a forepaw at the Mizari to forestall his excited response. "Other tests are needed before I can definitively state that the objects found were brought to this asteroid by your Lost Colony, Esteemed One!"
    The Mizari hissed softly. "Of course. I understand. But the possibility is growing."
    "It seems to be, but I would not want to make premature assumptions," the Heeyoon said. His voice was gruff, deliberately quelling, but the CLS
    Liaison did not miss the answering flash of excitement in his eyes. He, too, believes that we have found a vital link in tracing the fate of the Lost Colony, Ssoriszs thought.
    "What other tests will be necessary?" he asked aloud.
    "We will need to test for ion patterning and magnetic resonances that would indicate the location of their manufacture on your homeworld. If we can pinpoint the location, that will help a great deal."
    "Yes, yes it would," the Mizari agreed, restraining himself with an effort.
    "But that will not be the end of the testing," Greyshine warned. "We must also attempt to definitively link the artifacts to artists and craftsmen who were part of the Star Seeker Sect."
    "What kinds of tests would that require?" Ssoriszs asked.
    "Examinations and computer analysis to check for makers' marks, for one thing. And some of the sealed items--such as the Sharizan globe--still contain air samples from the time of their making. We can look for traces of the incense traditionally
    burned by the Star Seekers during their daily devotions. But to extract samples of that ancient air will require a probe insertion, which is a delicate task that, no matter how carefully done, will cause unavoidable damage. I want the team of specialists from Shassiszss to handle that test."
    "Damage the Sharizan globe?" Ssoriszs' tendrils waved in distress. "But that would be a tragedy!"
    "Calm yourself, Esteemed One. The hole required for the test would be nearly microscopic in size... undetectable to unaided vision," the Professor assured him. "It would not ruin the aesthetic value of the globe. But I am a field archaeologist, I do not have the laboratory expertise to make a test on such a delicate object; I prefer to wait for those who do."
    "That seems wise," Ssoriszs said, relieved. "I spoke to Rizzshor yesterday, and he assured me that their grant should be coming through any day now.
    Then it will

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