Seth's Cravings: An Endless Series: Book 2

Seth's Cravings: An Endless Series: Book 2 by Sara Hess Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Seth's Cravings: An Endless Series: Book 2 by Sara Hess Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Hess
to shake.
         Maybe I should just cut my losses and leave. “Zat
sounds…nice.” It took a lot for me to get that word out. “Can you show me to
the restroom first zough?”
         His smile widened. “Sure, down this way.”
         Two doors down he waved his hand forward. I opened the
door and stepped in to turn on the light. Only it didn’t reveal a bathroom, it
was a bedroom. The next second I was pushed forward into the room and the door
closed behind Dale.  
         My heart skipped but I remained calm as I backed away leisurely.
“Zis is not a bathroom.”
         “There’s one right over there.” He smirked and waved
his hand to the left.
         I didn’t bother to look. “But why haf you closed the
door?” It took a lot to keep to my charade.
         “I just don’t want you to be disturbed while you use
the lavatory.” He explained walking toward me.
         “Do you not haf locks on the bathroom door?” I was
barely holding back my anger as I stood my ground. No mu’dak was going
to push me around.
         Lustful eyes roved over me leaving chills of repulsion
in its wake. “You’re very beautiful Nadezhda.” He said ignoring my question. Moving
forward his hand came up to touch my hair. I raised my arm automatically to
stop him and he suddenly had it in his grip and behind my back along with my
other arm. Pushing his body against mine we stumbled back falling on the bed
with my arms trapped under my body.
         I stared up at him in shock and alarm at the unexpected
move. “What the hell are you doing?”
         His face was two inches from mine and I could read the repulsiveness
of his thoughts as well as feel his excitement on my leg. I would break that
thing off if he brought it anywhere closer to me. “You took almost a thousand
bucks from me tonight, honey. I just feel like getting something in return.”
         I sneered at him and wiggled to see how tight his
clinch was. It was a pretty firm hold, and our combined weight wasn’t helping, but
he would have to loosen it at some point. “You do this with everyone you play
with, do you?
         He pushed his erection into me. I almost gagged. “Only
the pretty ones.”
         “Landon’s pretty, go bother him, because I don’t do
         Anger glittered in his eyes. “I don’t think I was
         Huesos (cocksucker). I was going cut off
his dick, and shove it down his throat, along with his balls. There was no use
talking anymore, I just wanted this over with. I could scream but that just
might bring more assholes to wrestle with, and I was relatively certain I could
handle him. It would also be helpful if I could get to my purse.
         Suddenly the door opened. Dale jerked his head around
but stayed pressed to my body. I looked over his shoulder to see Seth standing
there looking at us with fury on his face and relief washed through me. He
understood what was happening and was going to stop it. Smiling, I opened my
mouth but in the next instant he was gone, closing the door behind him. My
mouth dropped in shock.
         Dale turned back to me. “Looks like it’s just you and
me again.” Leaning down he set his repulsive wet lips to my neck.
         Rage sliced through me so hard I saw red. I couldn’t
believe Seth just left. Didn’t he see that my hands were restrained, that I was
being held against my will? Yanking my head to the left I dislodged Dale’s
mouth from my skin. “Get off my, now!” I growled.
         Another leering smirk. “We haven’t even got started
         He bent his head down toward me again and I slammed my
head forward knocking him in the nose with my head. I didn’t do it hard enough
to make me dizzy, just enough to make him hurt and move…which he did.
        “Fuck!” He yelled in pain and jerked away which allowed
me to get my hands free. I brought them forward and pushed him off me. He
stumbled back

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