The Fight Club

The Fight Club by P.A. Jones Read Free Book Online

Book: The Fight Club by P.A. Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: P.A. Jones
hit me with a swing kick. It was unexpected, and I wasn't prepared. An acute pain struck my shoulder, which forced me to take a step back, leaving my face open. Oliver took that chance and hit my jaw hard with his other hand. I lost my balance and slammed to the floor on my back.
    Oliver smirked at me and walked back to his corner. He had shown me my place. The metallic taste of blood, and the bitter taste of defeat covered my mouth. I had become a novice after leaving the ring for almost three years. I was nothing but a noob in front of some stupid kid.
    I looked around. People had gathered around the ring, and I could see a smug smile on everyone’s face, expect for two people. Gavin wasn't smiling. He looked completely serious. And there was that girl with the purple eyes and blonde ponytail. What was she doing here, and why wasn't she laughing at me?
    If Tonya was here, she wouldn't have laughed.
    Fuck you. I stood up, anger consuming every ounce of blood in my body.
    "Oliver, focus." I cried, charging towards the kid.
    He wasn't ready, and I could see the surprise on his face. He didn't expect me to get up and run.
    He took a quick defensive stance, but I didn't care. When I reached him, I dropped on the ground and performed an angular kick. He expected that, and jumped in the air, like I knew he would. I changed my stance mid-kick and jumped on him, my fist hitting his jaw.
    He fell back on the ground. Surely he wasn't ready for that. I put everything I had in that punch. Now that kid knew where he stood when I was in the ring.
    "You never smirk at Noah Rich, kid," I whispered, walking out of the ring. Gavin was standing there, waiting for me.
    "Congrats on the win,” Gavin said dryly. “But if you hit another guy in the ring with that kind of remark, I will kick your ass out of the club."
    "Okay boss," I replied with a winning smile. I didn't care what he said. I had just shown him what I was capable of.
    "Let me introduce you to the trainer we have selected for you,” Gavin said.
    "A trainer?"
    "Yes. A therapist who will make sure you break no bones or tear down your muscles. You need her to work on you after every fight."
    "So you’re gonna squeeze every penny out of my pocket." I chuckled.
    "Not as much as you squeeze from consumers’ pockets," he replied swiftly.
    We walked to the lift and went directly to the third floor.
    "Julie," he called. One girl came forward. She walked like a fighter. She didn’t have much of a curvy body, but she had actual muscles. Her purple eyes looked at me with hatred. It was her! The girl I stumbled up on yesterday! I despised her from the moment I spotted her resemblance to Tonya. "Meet your first client, Noah Rich."
    She extended her hand to me. "Hello, Mr. Rich."
    I wanted to ask Gavin to assign me some to other trainer, but then I got an idea. I could make her life miserable, then she’d resign from the club. I didn't want a Tonya look-alike roaming around me.
    "Interesting,” I muttered.
    "What did you say?" Julie asked.
    "Nothing. Nice to meet you, Julie." I shook her hand and smiled. But all I had inside were hatred. She would get her life fucked up, very soon.

Chapter 8
    God, the man I stumbled upon yesterday was standing in the ring when I hit the club, wearing a sleeveless tee and track pants. He looked ready, like a fighter. But he wasn't wearing cloth around his wrists. Was he crazy? He could really get hurt.
    Muscles expostulated through his sleeveless tee. He was handsome. If only he wasn't the biggest asshole I’ve met lately, I would’ve liked to watch his match closely. I was about to walk away when I heard a loud sound. Someone hit the ground badly. My eyes turned towards the ring to check who it was. It was the man. He had his back on the ground, completely beaten. The twenty-year old kid was smiling at him. Well, he deserved that.
    But before I could move away, he caught my eyes, and something happened. A rage emerged in his deep brown eyes.

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