Seven Sexy Sins

Seven Sexy Sins by Serenity Woods Read Free Book Online

Book: Seven Sexy Sins by Serenity Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Serenity Woods
wanted him to rip off her clothes and throw her on the bed and do unspeakable things to her, but he still didn’t move.
    Moving closer to him, she reached up a hand and brushed his cheek. “Come on, Rusty. Kiss me.”
    He turned and smiled at her, lowering his lips. He kissed her softly, his hand coming back up to stroke the nape of her neck.
    She kissed him for a minute or so, and then, when no further movement was obviously going to occur, drew back to look at him. The room was cast in twilight. Cicadas were beginning to call from the orchards to the west, and the cry of seagulls echoed occasionally through the open window. The whole place smelled of lemon and jasmine, and of salt from the sea. The atmosphere was warm and sultry, and a bead of perspiration ran down between her breasts.
    She studied him for a moment. Was he having second thoughts? Did he not find her sexy? Did he not fancy having sex with her?
    As she looked deep into his eyes, however, suddenly she realised what was wrong.
    Rusty was nervous.
    She almost laughed out loud, but stopped herself in time. He knew she was aware of his previous sexual exploits, and after ten years of joking about who he’d done and what he got up to in the bedroom, he was very aware there were going to be no secrets anymore. And she was sure the fact that she was Dan’s little sister was also playing heavily on his mind. Rusty wanted her, she knew he did, but his sense of duty, and honour, and possibly a fear of what she would think of him when she saw what he was really like in bed, were overwhelming his desire. He’d promised he’d teach her, and maybe now he was worried she’d find him wanting.
    She felt a rush of affection for him, and a hot, sudden sweep of desire. If she didn’t do something, this wasn’t going to happen, and basically, if it didn’t happen, she was going to be disappointed as hell. She was going to have to take charge. As soon as she realised that, all her nerves disappeared.
    She got off the bed and walked around to his side. He watched her, his green eyes curious, slightly wary. She stood next to him and put her hands on her hips. “I have something to say.”
    “Let’s get one thing straight.” She reached around her back to slide down the zipper on her skirt. “I’m not your girlfriend.” She let the skirt fall to the ground and stepped out of it casually, flicking it to one side with her foot. “I’m not your date.” She saw his eyes drop to her black lacy panties, and watched his chest rise with his intake of breath. “And I’m not a girl from a bar you need to impress.” 
    She climbed onto the bed and sat astride him, the movie still playing in the background, the room filled with the low sighs of the two girls pleasuring each other. She flicked a glance at the screen, saw one girl lower her mouth onto the other girl’s breast while her fingers moved between her legs. She looked back at Rusty in time to see he’d followed her gaze, although now he looked back at her. His green eyes were dark, some emotion moving mysteriously beneath the surface, an emotion she couldn’t quite fathom.
    She moved her hips, feeling the swell of him beneath his jeans, hard against her swollen, sensitive sex. He swallowed, and she knew he was aroused but was also forcing himself to hold back. His eyes were almost begging. He wanted her to talk him into it. He needed her to persuade him.
    Slowly, she began to unbutton her shirt. His eyes went wide as satellite dishes, but he still didn’t touch her. Her heart pounded, but she made herself act coolly, her fingers sliding down the cotton, unbuttoning one by one. “While we’re here, I’m not your friend.” Nearly all the buttons were undone now. “And I’m nobody’s sister.” She opened the final button, parting the sides of the blouse slowly to reveal her black bra. His gaze dipped to her breasts, lingered and came back up to her face. She felt a surge of excitement—his

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