Shadow of a Doubt (Tangled Ivy Book 2)

Shadow of a Doubt (Tangled Ivy Book 2) by Tiffany Snow Read Free Book Online

Book: Shadow of a Doubt (Tangled Ivy Book 2) by Tiffany Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiffany Snow
angel of death.
    Despite my efforts, tears slipped from my eyes to slide down my cheeks.
    “Aw, it’s okay, Ivy,” I heard Scott murmur. “Don’t cry.”
    His kindness was the last straw and I started sobbing in earnest. Mortified, I used my good arm to cover my eyes with my hand. The bed dipped and then I felt Scott’s body next to mine.
    “Shh. It’s okay,” he soothed.
    “It’s n-not ok-kay,” I stammered through my tears. “You could’ve d-died.” I didn’t want to be responsible for anyone’s death—least of all Scott’s—but I had no idea what to do to get Clive to stop. “Why d-didn’t he j-just kill me?”
    Scott pulled me against his chest, careful of the bandage on my arm. He smoothed my hair and held me until I’d stopped crying. His thumb brushed at the tear tracks on my face.
    “I imagine he didn’t kill you because you’re immune to the virus,” he said. “That is what he said, right?”
    I hesitated, my stomach sinking. Scott had overheard, and I didn’t want to lie to him. I nodded.
    “Mr. Galler,” I said. “He tricked me into being injected with the only formulated vaccine. I was poisoned with the virus along with Anna. I survived. She didn’t.”
    “Devon knows this about you, and now so does Clive.”
    His arm tightened around me. “We need to take you into protective custody,” he said grimly. “I’ll call in the morning, get some agents over here to transport you.”
    I cringed into him. “I just want my life back.”
    “I want you to have your life back,” he said. “And I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure that happens.”
    The thought of going into protective custody and more people knowing about my immunity depressed me. Add to it the fact that Devon would have no chance of finding me once that happened and I felt as though my entire world was falling apart.

    I don’t know what woke me; my eyes just suddenly popped open. I was still lying next to Scott, only now I was on my back. I lay utterly still, listening intently. It was darker inside the room than it had been earlier, the only light that which filtered in through the window in the closed door.
    Had there been a noise? Had a nurse come in the room? But it didn’t feel like that. Something . . . wasn’t right.
    The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and goose bumps erupted on my skin. My whole body was stiff with tension, though I could sense Scott sleeping soundly next to me.
    “Wake up, mate,” a voice said. “I like for a man to look at me before I kill him.”
    I gasped in surprise. I knew that voice.
    Devon had come.

    I heard a switch being flicked and light flooded the room. Devon stood by the bed, gun in hand, the hard metal of the barrel pressed against Scott’s temple.
    “Wake up, Sleeping Beauty,” Devon said, tapping the barrel against Scott’s head. “Your training is for shite and your aim even worse. So much for keeping my girl safe.”
    Scott was wide awake now and he slowly turned to face Devon. The barrel moved to settle at the center of his forehead.
    “That’s better.” Devon smiled, and it sent a chill down my spine. I’d seen that smile before. Cold. Humorless. Dangerous. “Any last words, mate?”
    But Scott didn’t seem fazed. He looked at the gun, then at Devon. “You must be Devon Clay.”
    “Ladies and gents, he’s smarter than he looks,” Devon said.
    “Devon, what are you doing?” I asked. I’d seen Devon kill before. He was very good at it.
    “I’ve come to collect you, darling,” he replied. “Be a good girl and get dressed.” He extended a hand to me.
    Unsure as to what to do, I didn’t move, glancing uneasily between Devon and Scott.
    “Be quick about it,” Devon chastened me.
    “Don’t hurt him,” I said.
    “Then don’t give me a reason to,” he replied. His smile was gone, his expression cold and hard. “He’ll be quite lucky if I don’t punish his complete ineptitude,

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