vessel’s weapons system. Before he left, an overzealous crewman thought he could kill Will with a plasma weapon. He was wrong. The crewman shot Will with it at point blank range on the bridge of their battle cruiser. The weapon, which could have easily destroyed a tank or airplane, affected Will no more than a light breeze would affect an aircraft carrier.
Will, seizing the opportunity to send the Protrakians a message, melted the weapon to the crewman’s hand with a mild blast of his laser vision. The screaming crewman, as well as the rest of the crew got the message loud and clear. They left Earth and never returned.
Afterwards, things were quiet on Earth. Over the subsequent years, numerous scientific research vessels studied the Earth and its inhabitants - in some cases landing for soil, water or other samples. However, all of them were careful not to make contact with the Terrans. Occasionally, an alien spacecraft was spotted by pilots and even photographed at times. These sightings were usually written off as sunspots or weather balloons, secret military aircraft, or by some other suitable explanation, and the photographs were never seen again.
On rare occasions when they could not be explained away, the pilots were advised that they had observed the flights of highly classified experimental aircraft, and if they did not forget what they had seen, they would enjoy the inside of a military prison until they were old men. Most of them forgot the sightings as soon as they happened.
After Warren G. Harding took office, former President Wilson did as Will had instructed and did his best to explain how, when and why to contact the mysterious Colonel Clark if the need ever arose. President Harding, needless to say, had a difficult time believing the former president until President Wilson showed him the commlink device and how it worked - which included a holographic image of Earth being displayed in the Oval Office.
Fortunately, President Harding never had a need to contact Colonel Clark, nor did his successors, Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover.
However, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was not quite as lucky.
Chapter 9
Helvellyn Mountain, England
1475 A.D.
A holographic image of the Milky Way galaxy lit up the room with images of planets and stars; nebulae and comets; asteroids and moons. The room, which Will knew measured no more than ten feet square, seemed to have disappeared, and Will appeared to be standing in outer space. He could no longer feel the ground beneath his feet, but he did not have the sensation that he was falling. Will looked at the spectacle in awe and astonishment but with no fear.
Suddenly, multiple images began flooding into Will’s brain. In his mind he could see different species of sentient beings, mathematical and scientific formulae, symbols, and indecipherable writing. All of the beings were speaking unknown languages. The images at first were too much for Will, and he dropped to his knees, covered his ears and shut his eyes in an attempt to stop what was happening. After a few seconds, he understood that one of the images was attempting to communicate with him.
Will managed to slow his breathing and gain control of himself. He concentrated on shutting out the extraneous images in order to try and understand what one of the beings was trying to communicate to him. Once he was able to do this, images of several gray skinned beings flooded his mind and came into sharp focus. All of them were tall, thin and had slightly pointed noses and chins, long thin fingers, and each wore a long, dark robe of some type.
The being in the center of the group, who appeared older than most of the others, seemed to be the one trying to communicate with Will. Will opened his mind and was able to understand what the unknown being was attempting to communicate with him.
“Greetings, Terran.” said the older being.
“Who are you?” said Will.
“We are the Elders.”
“What do you want with
London Casey, Karolyn James