“Come on girl we might as well wing this thing and get it over with.” David said after his exclamation and made a point to have his own shotgun in hand for looks sake.
Once outside, David looked over at the couple looking at them google eyed like aggressive lost sheep sitting at his picnic table waiting for the outcome of the mysterious discussion that had went on inside his home. Sally noted the casual way Julie was toting a wicked pistol handled shotgun they had not seen before but things seemed ok as she beamed her normal infectious smile.
“Greetings!! You all doing well?” Julie said giving them brief each one handed hugs while still holding the shotgun as David regarded them with a more reserved standoffish sort of alert scrutiny.
“Hey man David, why all the hardware? Are you that worried about us? I didn’t mean anything by calling you a Doomsday Prepper” Will said eying all the guns and he hoped Julies friendly greeting might have some influence on David’s suspicious and aggressive nature.
“No I am not particularly worried about you, we started carrying guns a week ago just as a precaution and you never know when you might see some game. Anyway, I told you Julie and I had to get in agreement on our food stores and this time you’re in luck Willie.” David said as happy as a clam that his one handed grip on his own shotgun made everyone a bit nervous as he looked at their eyes when its barrel accidentally pointed in their direction. He mumbled an apology and adjusted it to point up and down range.
Nobody felt right about this meeting and you could cut the tension in the air with a knife as David and Julie settled down at the table and propped their long guns against it just out of reach of the self-assuming neighbor’s, but still handy enough for themselves to get to.
Both Julie and David wore pistols on their belts that they could also access easily. They seemed very at ease with their surroundings and armaments while David’s “Devil may care” attitude and too familiar handling of his shotgun sort of unnerved the neighboring couple.
“Willard and Sally there is something you need to realize before I give you any more food. We are giving you something to eat don’t worry. This world we find ourselves living in has gotten really mean and really crazy. I mean absolutely topsy turvy evil and maniacal crazy and regardless of what you believe are the causes of this blackout and who were the participants, we live in a world where anything can and will happen. You best be deciding where your best chances of long term survival lay and be working on heading in that direction if you don’t already have the supplies to hang on here and I will tell you why if you will give me a few minutes.” David advised and then looked to the couple for permission to speak further.
“Well we hadn’t considered going anywhere David but I am all ears if you have heard any news or can offer any advice. After all you’re the prepper author! I said that right didn’t I” Will said catching himself after using a term David seemed to scowl about previously.
“Yea I am a prepper author I suppose Will. All the term prepper means is someone who prepares, hell everyone prepares for something, but back to what I wanted to tell you. You remember I said that anything could happen now? Well back in my college days I used to study Emergency Management and terrorism and we looked at all kinds of potential risks or threats. Have either one of you given any thought to the nuclear power plant up the road and what might be going on up there at the moment?” David advised them and answered Julies unsaid question with a dismissive look to tell her not to worry about what he was going to say next.
Sally and Will looked at each other momentarily and then warily asked David if he had heard any news or knew anything about the safety of such Atomic power plants when they were
Calle J. Brookes, BG Lashbrooks