Shared By The Alpha Bears - Complete

Shared By The Alpha Bears - Complete by Amy Star Read Free Book Online

Book: Shared By The Alpha Bears - Complete by Amy Star Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Star
from the carcass that lay on the slab. “You’re a pretty fast worker,” I said.
    “I think I worked at pretty normal speed,” he said. “But I can see how it might seem fast, with how busy you sounded in there.”
    I stepped forward to examine the skinned deer. “You know, I’ve never eaten a freshly killed animal before.”
    “I can find something refrigerated and save this for another night if you want,” he offered.
    “No, it’s fine! I’m looking forward to it!”
    “That’s good,” he said, grabbing a towel to wipe his hands off. “What do you say to lunch?”
    “Already?” I said. “Don’t we need to chop this thing up and cook it first?”
    “The deer is dinner,” Max clarified. “Lunch is roast beef sandwiches.”
    “Oh. That sounds good, too.”
    After lunch, Jake took some time to go chop up the deer meat, and then later in the day Max went to throw it in the oven. Other than that, the three of us spent the better of the day lounging about, watching TV, drinking beer or playing cards.
    Once it started to get dark, Max pulled the veal from the oven to finish seasoning it. Before long, what had started as a dead animal slung over Jake’s shoulders was a delicious-looking plate of meat with sides of veggies and potatoes being set in front of me. I could say this for my big furry hosts: for guys who lived miles and miles away from nowhere, they knew how to make a girl feel welcome.
    We finished eating and collapsed back into our chairs, patting our full bellies and luxuriating in our pleasant little food comas. “That was good stuff,” I grunted.
    “I’ll say,” Max said. “I haven’t had veal that fresh in way too long.”
    “I figured having a guest over was an occasion for something special,” Jake said. “Well, special for her anyway.”
    “That’s right, don’t you eat stuff like that pretty much all the time?” Max pointed out.
    “What can I say,” Jake shrugged, “I’m a purist.”
    “That’s good for you, nature boy,” Max said.
    “You got anything for dessert?” Jake asked him.
    I leaned forward on my elbows, twining my fingers together and grinning suggestively. “I had something in mind for dessert.”
    “Oh, yeah?” Max said, catching the vibe I was exuding. “What’s that?”
    “Well… I was kind of hoping the two of you were on the menu.”
    Jake raised an eyebrow. “Really? After everything we did this morning?”
    “That was this morning! How long do you expect a girl to wait around?”
    “Well, it’s not that I don’t appreciate your enthusiasm…” Jake began.
    “But…?” I said, leaning back and thrusting my chest out, trying my best to entice them. “Don’t tell me you’re gonna make me take care of myself tonight?” I hefted my breasts in my hands a couple times to sweeten the pot.
    “I know I’m not,” Max grinned, getting up from his chair and stepping up beside me, gently putting a hand on my shoulder.
    I looked pleadingly at Jake. “Come on, Jake! Would it help if I said pretty please with pussy on top?”
    Jake rolled his eyes and blew a raspberry at my stupid joke, before laughing, “Okay, what the hell.”
    I got up from my chair, and the guys moved to either side of me, each of them putting an arm around my back as they guided me to Max’s bedroom. At one point Max’s hand slid down and goosed my ass, making me jump and giggle at him.
    As soon as we reached the bedroom, I turned and pulled Max down with one arm to kiss him. His tongue eagerly probed into my mouth, finding my own there waiting for it. Jake meanwhile began kissing the side of my face and neck, while tenderly fondling my breast. Max had his hand on my ass, caressing my curves back there. I eventually turned my head to kiss Jake, and dueled tongues with him for a while before switching back to Max. I reveled in the attention of two

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