Sheet Music - A Rock 'n' Roll Love Story

Sheet Music - A Rock 'n' Roll Love Story by Ann Lister Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Sheet Music - A Rock 'n' Roll Love Story by Ann Lister Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Lister
of Gary’s mouth, Michael’s fist began to throttle forward.
    “Michael!” Annie shouted.  “Don’t!  He’s not worth it!”
    The bodyguard caught Michael’s fist in his pizza-sized palm and stopped it cold before it hit its intended target.
    “Okay people, fights over,” the low growl of the bodyguard’s voice called out to the few remaining workers in the club.  Then his eyes shifted to Michael.  “What the hell are you doing, man?” he asked in a hushed tone for Michael’s ears only.  “You better hope he doesn’t press assault charges.  That prick is just stupid enough to file just for the thrill of it!”
    Gary stormed out the back door, leaving the cables on the floor and the rest of the equipment still on stage.  Annie was torn between rushing to Michael’s side or following Buzz and Ivory.  Sheepishly, she chose her band mates and began to head outside behind them.
    Michael caught Annie before she reached the door and pulled her into an empty dressing room beside the hallway.  “Look, I’m really sorry about that,” he said, pacing relentlessly back and forth in front of her.  “Man, I haven’t felt rage like that in a long time.  I really wanted to kill him.”
    Annie snickered and Michael’s feet finally stopped.  He turned and looked at her quizzically.  “Part of me wanted you to kill him or at least hurt him a little bit,” she said shrugging off her ambivalence.  Michael’s face softened.
    “Hey boss man, we gotta hit the road soon,” the bodyguard called into the room.  “People out here are getting nosey.”
    “Yeah, I’ll be right out,” Michael yelled back over his shoulder.
    “Good thing we have a day off tomorrow,” Annie commented.  “I think the band could use some time and space after tonight.”
    “Probably right,” Michael replied, his voice trailing off.
    “Do you have any plans for tomorrow?” Annie asked pensively.
    “Yeah.  I’m supposed to be seeing my son.”
    “Your son?”
    “Yes, I have an eleven year old son with my ex-wife.  On very rare occasions she actually allows me to spend time with him.”  His voice was heavy with sarcasm.
    “You sound as if you don’t expect to see him tomorrow.”
    “And you’re probably right about that.  The visitation schedule has a way of changing last minute - every time.”
    “Well, I hope you get to see him.”
    Michael stepped toward her and stopped, gazing into her eyes.  They stood silent, each wanting to say something but the words failed to leave their mouths.  Annie had questions.  Michael had the answers.  They both wanted each other.
    “Ah, boss…” the bodyguard’s head popped into the doorway again.
    “Yeah, I’m on my way,” Michael replied.  “I guess Bull is getting itchy.  I better go.”
    “His name is Bull?”  Annie asked.
    “Yep.  It’s short for Bulldog.”  Michael smiled and headed toward the door.
    “Have fun with your son,” Annie said, as she watched Michael disappear around the corner.
    Annie spent her day off catching up on housework and laundry.  Through it all, her thoughts were consumed with Michael.  She wondered how his day was going with his son, what they were doing and where they went.  Was he seeing his ex-wife too?  Maybe that was part of the deal.
    Bottom line, she wondered if he was thinking of her as much as she was thinking of him.  She seriously doubted it.  By eight o’clock she had fallen asleep in bed while watching the television.  Several hours later a low rumble woke her.  She sat upright in bed, peering toward the kitchen door.  A shadow appeared behind the window curtain that hung on the door and then she heard the knock.  Annie sucked in a deep breath.
    She darted from her bed and quickly peeked out a side window toward the driveway.  The moon illuminated Michael’s shiny black Porsche.  There was no time to change, put on make-up or, even comb her hair.  She grabbed a satin robe off the chair

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