Shimmers & Shrouds (Abstruse)

Shimmers & Shrouds (Abstruse) by Scarlett Brukett Read Free Book Online

Book: Shimmers & Shrouds (Abstruse) by Scarlett Brukett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scarlett Brukett
nowhere to be seen. I was so engrossed in her thoughts that I couldn't differentiate between my imagination and the actual reality. Maybe she wasn’t even there. Maybe I was figuring all of it. I was so confused. I couldn’t think of an excuse of why I was actually here. She wasn’t so attractive to make me take the risk of confronting the reporters if I got caught, that too when I didn’t want to. Why was I ready to take my chances? What would prompt such an act of love?
    Of course she was different, but she was a human after all. Not a giant magnet to have me running towards her. Half of the world's population is female, and all the rich beautiful girls were practically dying to date me, then why on earth was I stalking this brunette foreigner? What was so inviting about her?
What if she was right about her being different from other girls I met?
The only rational way I could think of was to stay away from her, like every other guy would do. She was not my type. In fact I was not her type. Even if I supposed that she was interested in me, like any other girl would be, should be. It mustn’t really create a great difference to me anyway. It was because, apart from great difference in our interests, she was almost eleven years younger to me. Too young to understand the torments and typhoons of emotions my heart went through. So, do I have an answer now? Should I ignore her as hard as I can and never mention anything about her to gran? Should I stop noticing the qualities which outweighed her from the other girls, and to be direct, forget about her as if she had never existed?
O fcourse. I can do nothing better can I?
But then why did I dream of her last night if we were meant to stay away? What could the dream possibly mean? It couldn’t be anything about the past; I have known her for just two days.
    I had d reamt of us together. Her delicate body, the skin, softer than the cream, covered with a bed sheet exposing her legs and arms. She slept soundly, holding my hand, just like a little kid. I could still hear her even breathing next to my ear, easing away my tiredness. Her black curls were softly kissing her lips when they were swayed occasionally by the breeze. I couldn’t understand why I dreamt this way if we weren't meant to be together. I was sure it couldn’t be a figment of my imagination; I wasn’t day dreamin g ― still , this was the most beautiful dream that had ever occurred to me. I was already in too deep, I couldn’t back off by now. It was too late to turn back.
I growled at myself, infuriated for not yet deciding about the thing I wanted the most in this world.
    I started the engine and turned the stereo on until it hurt my ears. The sun was high up in the sky by now. I pulled out through the traffic to make my way to my destination. At last there was one thing I was clear about, for sure.

    I was in the kitchen making food for her. It was an Indian cuisine and I had gotten some help from the butlers and the internet as well. I was roasting a thin round thing I found in the rack when I heard the door open. I eagerly waited for her to come in and see my surprise; there was too much spice in the air to resist the temptation to hover on the food. But she took more than necessary time to come. I decided to go and check what was taking her so long. As I came out of the kitchen I was terrified to see her holding the iron rod right above her head, ready to charge at me. It made me scream, and luckily, she stopped halfway, realizing that it was me.
"What the hell do you think you were doing?" I demanded, breathlessly, still terrified.
"How would I know it was you in the kitchen? You could have called me." She said, wide eyed.
"You should know, it is too easy. Who else knows that you keep your keys under the eaves? Stupid."
"I am sorry, what?"
I breathed in heavily, reminding myself that I was not here to have any sort of argument with her. She was right, after all it was her home

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