
Shiva by Carolyn McCray Read Free Book Online

Book: Shiva by Carolyn McCray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn McCray
conceived? The Disciples must be the first to find her, bring her into their fold , so that she might be raised amongst the true Word.
    Even in this modern age of computers and the Internet, combing through a world filled with nearly seven billion people was a laborious task. Then a scout assigned to shadow Brandt and his men had stumbled out of the Congo jungle , telling of a girl who could heal even the most mortal blow. A girl who Brandt had saved. A girl who he had personally seen to it had been secreted off, deep into the forest.
    Did the soldier know whom he had come upon? Or was he as blind as he was impotent?
    Many within the fold were shocked that this soldier might have been in contact with the possible Messiah. To Frellan , there was a perfect symmetry to their meeting. God , in His great wisdom , did not unfold his plan for all to see .
    He lived in the shadows as did Frellan . But now , in this glorious age, it was time for both of them to taste the sun on their skin.
    * * *
    “ You must have heard wrong, ” Rebecca said , shaking her head so hard her neck muscles complained.
    Still , Lopez lay off the throttle, banking them toward the north. “ Nope, ” the corporal said. “ We have been ordered to stand down. ”
    “ They want another team to take over the search? ” Davidson asked , clearly as befuddled by the orders as Rebecca.
    “ Yep, ” Lopez replied as they flew toward the Charleston Airport. They had stayed in the general vicinity of the abduction , awaiting another signal from Brandt. They needed to know in which direction to head, but nothing. Over an hour and nothing.
    Rebecca really didn ’ t think that she had any more tears to shed, but moisture sprang to the ready. In disbelief , she watched as Lopez angled them toward the helipad of the airport, prepping them to land.
    She looked to Davidson, but he just shrugged. “ That ’ s brass for you. ”
    This couldn ’ t be happening. Brandt couldn ’ t be kidnapped. They couldn ’ t be losing control of the search. And what the hell was wrong with the men? Why weren ’ t they throwing a huge fit? Her own fists shook in quiet rage as her mind raced to find a way to convince the men to stay on the trail.
    The only huge problem? That would require her to convince the men to disobey a direct order, not from Brandt , but from the Pentagon. At the least , that would be a court-martialed offense. At worst , it could be construed as treason punishable by death.
    Words caught in her throat as Lopez lowered them to the large red - and - white helipad. Could she really ask that of them?
    Um, as she stepped on her wedding dress and tore it, again, hell yes she could.
    Lopez brushed past her as he exited the chopper. Rebecca was right on his tail. He was in charge. She had to convince him.
    Rebecca placed an arm on his. “ Ricky. ”
    The corporal seemed vaguely annoyed. Like her asking to save the man she loved to be a bother. “ What? ”
    “ We can ’ t just give up. ”
    Lopez cocked his head. “ No kidding. ” He turned to Davidson. “ I ’ m guessing you are in. ”
    The younger man shrugged. “ How much more trouble could I really get into? ”
    “ Talli? ” the corporal asked. After the sniper nodded , Lopez turned to the new point man, Levont. “ You ’ ve only been with us a few months. No one will think you ’ re a bent helmet for waving this one off. ”
    “ Are you kidding me? ” Levont said with a broad smile. “ I see this going down one of two ways . ” The point man swung his assault rifle onto his shoulder. “ One , y ou guys save the world, again . Or two , you go down in a flaming blaze of glory. Either way , I am so going to be there. ”
    Lopez put his hand over Rebecca ’ s. “ So , little missy , if you aren ’ t too busy questioning our dedication, would you like to help me steal a plane? ”
    These men might not wear Brandt ’ s ring on their finger like she did, but they were equally bound to him.

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