Siege of Terra (The Mavrik Woods Series, Book 1)

Siege of Terra (The Mavrik Woods Series, Book 1) by Robin MacMillan Read Free Book Online

Book: Siege of Terra (The Mavrik Woods Series, Book 1) by Robin MacMillan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin MacMillan
can’t walk quietly. In all fairness in the case that did happen we would blame it on the armour. They’re heavy to walk in, even though they are advertised as lightweight armour.
    “I see them, over here,” T-Rave says.
    I walk over to the Captain’s position. He’s peering through the spaces that separate the equipment boxes. There are dozens of boxes that line the outer edges of the room. He pointed at the far end of the room, “there they are.”
    “I thought there were supposed to be power generators here?” I ask.
    “There are, see that door over there? That leads to secondary rooms that all connect to one another. The generators all run through those rooms, this room we are in is just the power regulation office. All it does it keep track of the power usage and if necessary it can shut off all power to each generator.” Terein replies.
    “Why don’t we do that then? Cutting all power to this building might come in handy.”
    “You don’t understand, this building regulates power to the entire city, I might be able to find localized secondary generators and then shut off certain sections of the city, this building included in that.”
    “Well, see if you can slice into the system and just minimize the range of the power outage. We don’t need to take sections of the city offline, just find a way to take out this building.”
    “I’ll do what I can, but I can’t guarantee anything.”
    “Alright, try to be quick about it as well, we don’t know how long these things are going to be here for, they might leave at any minute.”
    “Colonel they are starting to question the hostages,” T-Rave interjects.
    I bring my attention back to the small gap between the crates; I peer through the gap, scanning the crowd for the civilians.
    “Humanss, iss thiss the only sstructure in which thiss city iss powered from?” A voice hisses.
    All the civilians do is whimper and try to look away from their captors.
    “Ansswer me or one of you will die," t he voice speaks again.
    “Colonel should we intervene?” T-Rave says.
    “We can’t, not without getting some form of information that we can bring back. I plan on saving as many civilians as I can. But, if we go back empty handed and the reason for that is because we disobeyed our orders, we would be in big trouble.”
    “Alright, I’m just not sure how much of this I can take.”
    The alien that spoke had now dragged a helpless civilian out into the middle of the room, in front so all the other hostages could see.
    “Please don’t, I don’t know anything!” The civilian cries out.
    “Well, itss a good thing that I am killing you then.” The Leader says.
    “Wait!” A female voice yells, “what do you want?” 
    “I told you already, I want to know if thiss is the only sstructure in the city that providess power.” The Leader growls out.
    “Yes, as far as I know. I don’t really know anything about this building; you see it's the first time I’ve been inside.”
    “Do any of your worthlesss hidess help maintain thiss facility?”
    All of the civilians shake their heads.
    “It seems that we have made a mistake in our sselection, kill them all.” The Leader says.
    “Wait! Please, can’t we negotiate?” A male voice says.
    “No, we can’t, you have nothing we want.”
    “And what do you want?”
    “You humanss power your planet using a rare gass ssubsstance called Thopium. We need thiss Thopium to help reintegrate oursselvess into proper ssociety, your planet iss our way to achieve that goal.”
    “Well, I know for a fact that we don’t have raw Thopium here.”
    “Oh, we know that, we are already extracting it from the ground in certain locations on your planet.”
    “We have deployed mining operations to other continents; we will soon have enough to accomplish our goalss.”
    “What do you want from this place then?”
    “All we want to do is make you blind.”
    “That makes no sense.”
    “We want to initiate a city

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