
Silvermay by James Moloney Read Free Book Online

Book: Silvermay by James Moloney Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Moloney
what I did do; not because I was afraid of my mother, but for myself, as a way to redeem my heart, which continued its unruly reign over me through every minute of the day until I thought I would go mad.
    Only one thing changed. Where once I had wanted these three to stay forever, after that day I couldn’t wait for them to leave.

The Wyrdborn
    In Vonne
    â€˜Y ou’ve had more news of Nerigold,’ said the woman.
    She stepped through the doorway into the joyless room; a room that others dared enter only on the command of its occupant and even then with trepidation.
    â€˜Come in, Ezeldi,’ said Coyle Strongbow.
    He offered no smile and, though he had spoken calmly, made no effort to disguise the ironic tone in his voice. The woman was already in the room, after all. Anyone watching from the shadows would have been surprised to learn this pair was man and wife.
    â€˜You seem to know about this business as quickly as I do,’ he said when she stopped a few paces before him. ‘You’re not still jealous, are you? I told you, she was just a plaything. I sent her off long ago, once she no longeramused me, like I did with all the others. Why do you keep asking about her.’
    His wife gave no answer. ‘What’s the news?’ she asked instead.
    Coyle pointed to a letter on the table beside him, which had arrived by courier only an hour before. ‘Queasel has watched the ports for a week but there’s been no sign of her. He’s leading his men back along the roads to search villages and farms that might have taken her in. They’ll work methodically until they find her.’
    Ezeldi shook her head. ‘Unless she’s underground, already in her grave. Is there any point keeping up this search?’
    Her husband had been tolerant until now, but at this suggestion he became tired of the game they were playing with one another. The room was already cold but, when he answered, his words brought an even heavier chill to the grey stone walls. ‘You wouldn’t say that if you knew why I want her found.’
    Ezeldi gave a disdainful bow and left her husband’s chamber as abruptly as she had entered.
    She made for her own rooms on the other side of the grand residence. These weren’t as cold and bleak as the rest of Coyle’s stronghold. The décor was hardly as plush as the queen’s suite in the palace, but she particularly liked the gold and blue chair beside the window whereshe sat on sunny mornings. If the Wyrdborn could command such things, she would make the sun shine through that window every hour of the day.
    She went to the window now, but with a different purpose, one that did lie within her power, if she could find the right creature. The view showed her the bustling city of Vonne and, beyond its walls, the chequered pattern of barley fields and corn interspersed with woods. It was a sight she never tired of, though today her eyes scanned the sky above. There were no birds visible; or, rather, none of the type she needed.
    She glanced at the inviting chair beside her. No, she must act quickly. She would stay vigilant until what she needed appeared as a speck in the distance, even if it meant standing by the window for the rest of the day.
    My mother wouldn’t let Tamlyn take his family back onto the road until Nerigold was strong enough, and that day seemed as far off as ever. There was nothing I could do but keep the promise I had made to myself: to care for my little Smiler and be a friend to Nerigold. Since the rift between Hespa and me was taking time to heal, I could do with a friend; and, despite the struggle between my head and my heart, that’s exactly what Nerigold had become. As for Tamlyn, I stayed out of his way and denied myself the sight of his face.
    The harvest began, and any remaining grumbles in the village about Tamlyn quickly faded when he was first into the fields each morning and stayed until the last of the

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