Single Ladies
know what you're going through.  If you ever need me for anything, you let me know."
    Daphne looked at her and they exchanged a "knowing" look and empathetic expression that only friends or family of people with AIDS could recognize.  It was like belonging to a club or knowing a secret.  You just knew that look when you saw it. 
    "Thanks Nay." 
    "Oh, here comes your seven o'clock.  Call me to the front in about twenty minutes, cuz I got Loreci coming in to get a sew-in.  I'm gonna go back here and sort the order that came in a couple days ago."
    "Okay", Monay nodded, then greeted her client.

Chapter 6
    "You have to be strong, Deanna.  You don’t have to accept a man putting his hands on you.  Think about Ryan, and Alyssa.  You don’t want them to grow up thinking this is the way of life do you?" Karla held her client's thin hand and stared into her lost eyes.
    She sniffled and blotted her running nose with a kleenex. "No, of course I dont.  I'm just scared to leave him, Karla."
    "I know. That's why I'm going to refer you and the kids over to the safe women's shelter.  It's an unknown and confidential location.  He could never find you there.  Here's the gift card that you can use at any major grocery for food.  We usually give vouchers, but I trust that you will do the right thing with it, so it's okay.    There's also a bus pass for you and the children, that's good for just today and tomorrow, okay?"
    Deanna looked grateful. "Okay."
    "Alright, I just have to make a few phone calls for you. Are you still active with your drug counselor?"
    "And what is your case manager's name?"
    "Uh - it was Jill Carmichael, but now it's Tracy Hart."
    "Yes, I know Tracy.  She's a very kind person.  Just let me make provisions for you and the children and I'll give you buss passes for the week."
    "Thank you so much, Karla.  For everything", Deanna became emotional.
    "No need to thank me Karla.  I am in this thing to help you.  I want nothing more than to see you and the children be safe.  You have no idea how many people have walked into this office with a black eye or bruise and a couple of weeks later, I was attending their funerals, or getting locked up for retaliating on an abusive husband and being held on charges for murder or attempted murder.  It's just not worth it, babe.  My mother died at the hands of an abusive boyfriend before I was old enough to even know what was going on.  I grew up feeling like a part of me was missing.  Like I was incomplete.  I went through some counseling myself.  That's why I got into this field, because not only do I enjoy helping other women, but it's also very therapeutic for me.  It helps us all.  But we have to want the help, Deanna.  You have so much to live for.  You have no reason to stop now.  Your husband being a heroin addict, beating you, and neglecting the children is terrible.  But when you let fear take charge in your life, you will shut down and fail.  When I first met you, a year ago, I didn't know if you were gonna make it. You are still here, hon.   See, sometimes the bad things that happen to us, aren't so bad after all.  Sometimes it's just the Lord's way of making sure we get where we need to be in life.  He will allow us to come down to help us come out, Deanna.  We overlook, so many blessings, like waking up everyday and being able to look at our children and hear their laughter.  You are alive.  You still have a chance to start over."   There was a long pause.
      "Now, I know I can ramble on, but I just needed to tell you that, hon.  You are the strong kind.  You are built like that.   I didn't mean to bring religion into this, because I'm not religious.  I am spiritual.  I have faith.  I don't live a perfect life at all, but I have faith."  Karla felt herself about to ramble again.  "Okay,  I'm going to refer you to the shelter.  When you get there, I want you to get acquainted with my associate

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