Sir and Babygirl: Bound by Love
tightening bonds,
Babygirl was fast becoming ready for more.
    Satisfied with the quality of the knots and her
reaction, he turned Babygirl so that she stared at her reflection
in the mirror while he continued. Tilting her head to the side, she
watched Sir work. He pulled out another length of blue rope and
began wrapping it around her waist, building mysterious loops. Her
curiosity grew as she watched.
    “ Um, Sir?
What's the plan for the next bit of rope?”
    He chuckled and murmured, “You'll see soon enough,
Babygirl.” She knew better than to press him.
    Shifting her weight from foot to
foot, she tried to keep her mind blank. A
good submissive waiting on the pleasure of her Sir, that's me. Yep,
accepting whatever he decides. Flexing her
fingers and wiggling her toes, Babygirl swayed back and
    SMACK! She squeaked as his hand connected with her
    “ Stop squirming, Babygirl, now .”
    She nodded and stopped fidgeting. The soles of her
feet throbbed a bit. Her nose itched. She fought between the urge
to fidget and the need to obey Sir. She sighed and received a
warning look. Gulping, Babygirl stared into the mirror, willing
herself to be still.
    “ There,
all done, Babygirl.” He sat back on his haunches, hands on his
thighs, and looked up at her. She saw the glint in Sir's eyes and
knew he wasn't done by a long shot.
    Standing up, Sir pulled her into his arms, giving her
a small squeeze. Letting go with a small pat to her backside, he
walked to the end of the bed and rummaged in the toy chest. She
couldn't help but wonder what her mother would think if she knew
the hope chest she gave Babygirl as a teenager had been repurposed
into a kinky toy chest filled with all kinds of implements for
pleasure and torture.
    Turning around, Babygirl gasped
when she saw what Sir chose. The wand, the
fucking wand. Her eyes widened as she
realized what the “extra bit of rope” was for. He'd made a harness.
She felt the moisture pool between her thighs as sweat beaded on
her forehead. She wanted the orgasmic power of the wand, a
high-powered vibrator that was sold to the unsuspecting as a
“personal massager,” but she was scared of it.
    “ Get on the bed, Babygirl. On your back.”
Slowly, she walked to the bed. His hand gripped her arm to help her
climb on the bed without disturbing his ropework. Settling into the
bed, she stared at the ceiling, feeling like a sacrificial
lamb. Maybe I am, maybe I'm his
sacrifice .
    “ Shit,
Babygirl, I forgot something. Lift that ass up.” She felt him slide
a thick, soft towel under her body.
    “ Thank
you, Sir, but I have no doubt I'll be washing sheets when you're
through.” He laughed. They both knew the towel was no match for the
wand and her wet orgasms.
    “ Give me
your wrist, Babygirl.” With quick efficiency, Sir began to tie her
wrists and ankles to each corner of the bed. He'd shown her the
knot a few days before. Easy to tie, comfortable, and, in a pinch,
easy to release. Faster than she anticipated, Babygirl was splayed
on the bed, spreadeagled, open and exposed.
    As he strapped the wand into the harness, she
remembered the rope hidden inside her body. Babygirl swallowed back
the urge to question Sir's plan. He'd never neglected to explain
what would happen before. She had no reason to believe this time
would be any different. He tugged on the wand, testing the bonds.
Then, he pulled on the harness around her body.
    “ You're
probably wondering why I'd place a rope against your clit and use a
wand harness, right, Babygirl?” She nodded. “I want you to feel as
many sensations as possible. And I admit, I'm curious. I don't know
if that rope will make your orgasm hit harder and faster or if it
will slow things down. We'll both know soon enough.”
    “ Yes,
Sir.” Babygirl couldn't think of anything else to say. She was
curious and a little fearful.
    Sir turned on the wand to it's lowest setting and sat
down on the chest at the end of the bed. Babygirl soon

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