Sister Freaks

Sister Freaks by Rebecca St. James Read Free Book Online

Book: Sister Freaks by Rebecca St. James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca St. James
Tags: REL036000
funeral procession carrying his remains stopped only once: at the gate of San Damiano so Clare and her sisters could pay tribute to the one who had challenged them to a life of loving sacrifice for the glory of God.
    Live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
    (Ephesians 4:1-3 )

    jessica klapper
    Standing Tall
    J essica started praying for others when she was five. “I saw answers to my prayers even then,” she said. “I knew Jesus was real.” She credits her intimate relationship with Jesus Christ to her parents—Christians who have raised her well and loved her through many trials.
    At twelve, she spent time with another family, friends of her parents. Nothing unusual happened on the visit, but a few months later, Jessica couldn’t get one of the family’s sons—Ian—out of her mind.
    “At first I dismissed it, wondering briefly how he was doing.” Still, Ian kept coming to her mind. She decided to pray for him—every day for several months. “I prayed hard for him. I didn’t know what I was praying for specifically, but I kept it up nonetheless.” When her family was invited to Ian’s home, Jessica told her mother, “Ian’s been on my mind. I need to see him and make sure he’s all right.”
    Ian looked fine. Jessica was too embarrassed to ask him how he was doing. She didn’t tell him she was praying for him. But her mom told Ian’s mom about Jessica’s insistent and consistent prayers.
    Ian’s mom was amazed. “He was very depressed, but we didn’t know,” she said. “I found him one afternoon in his room, his wrists slit. Since that time, he’s made a full recovery.” Ian’s mom was convinced that Jessica’s prayers saved Ian’s life.
    “What a privilege it was to help Ian in such a time of need. God does hear prayers!” Jessica said.
    Jessica spent time doing typical teenage stuff: swimming, scrapbooking, playing laser tag, going to movies. When Jessica was a senior in high school, she was elected president of the Bible club at her high school in South Carolina. She wanted the other thousand members of her school to know about the club’s meetings, so she wrote a few sentences to be announced during the daily bulletin. The next day, she waited for the announcement—but it never came. When she asked the receptionist about the omission, she was told to visit the principal.
    She sat down in his office, fidgeting. Finally, he spoke. “Announcing a Bible club meeting is a violation of separation of church and state,” he said matter-of-factly.
    “I don’t have any intention of preaching over the PA,” Jessica told him. “I just want to inform students about the location and time of a meeting.”
    The principal denied her request.
    Jessica researched the issue and was energized by what she read. “I found documentation saying it was legally acceptable for students to lead and publicize religious-based organizations and events on campus.” She presented all her research to her principal, but he again refused to allow the announcement.
    Undaunted, Jessica called a law organization known for defending students in similar situations. The lawyers drew up papers—a lawsuit against the district. They sent a copy to Jessica, the principal, and the attorney for the school district. At that point, Jessica worried. “I got scared and doubted my motivations. Why was it that important to me anyway? Why make waves? I thought and prayed a lot about it, especially after the papers had been served. My intention was to assure the principal that he would be legally covered if he allowed the Bible club announcements.”
    In the midst of her prayers, she felt God’s peace and favor. “I wanted to create a legacy for future Bible clubs—that others could use the PA system, even after I graduated. I wanted to stand up for

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