about other men, unless you want them dead.” He kissed me, though, so I knew he wasn’t really angry at me. And I felt his hand run softly over the side of my face, soft thumb. Sweet.
I muttered, “You’re all alike, you know.” Tough acts. Mush inside. Needing to be loved.
That pissed him off. He got up. I heard water running. I moaned, “Not water.”
He brought it to me anyway, held it to my lips, told me, “Drink it.” I was thirsty enough not to argue, but I wasn’t as out of it as I was playing. I needed to get some specs on where I was. And what had happened outside.
You know...try and figure out why somebody would want a picture of Barklay, and who he had in his arms.
While he was in getting the water, I scoped around. The place was posh, but furry. Real furs, nothing faux. It kind of irritated me. I mean...have a little respect for the dead. Ya know? At least there were no cat pelts. No wolf pelts either. Plenty of rabbit, bear and sheep, though. Gaping, rocky fireplace. Heavy wood furniture, made of solid tree trunks, from the looks of it. Burl clock. Very outdoorsy.
I suspected it to be his getaway. Except it wasn’t exactly private--if someone had been waiting for him. If a whole pack had been standing guard. Right?
There was nothing to say who he was, or why anyone would care to paparazzi his pic and choice of companions. I never watched the news, or the social columns, or anything like that, so I had no idea.
No fucking idea.
You know who I had picked up with? Barklay Wolf. Of Wolf Enterprises.
C.E.O. of Wolf Enterprises, to be exact.
You don’t know about Wolf Enterprises? Subsidiary of Lobos International, the biggest garou conglomerate on the planet?
Wolf E.--known to all bastet as ‘the annihilators.’ Killers of their own kind. Racists of the worst extreme. They didn’t even like their own.
I didn’t know much, but I knew that.
I just never cared to get into politics. That’s why the name Barklay never even rang a bell. I mean, he was a guy, I was a girl. That’s as far as I’d gone with my thinking--except there was something going on. Ya know?
It took Tommy to connect the dots for me, but that came later.
He knew, though. Barklay. Maybe it was in the back of his mind, lurking around in the shadowy corners. But my looks, even my first name had made him squint. Oh, I don’t think he placed me right off, but there was some definite ‘heads up’ going on, making him think he had to get rid of me.
And then I pulled my stunt in the car.
So I took a drink, handed it back, and asked, “Did somebody take our picture?” Like I could’ve mistaken the blinding flash or the chaos that had ensued.
“Yeah.” He set down the glass, pulled out his smokes, lit up, glanced toward the door. “Don’t worry. Spit’ll get him.”
“Spit?” That made me smile. “Great name.” What was it with garou bitches and the labels they slapped on the heads of their pups? Jeez.
He shrugged, “His real name’s Nick. I just call him Spit.” He chuckled. I could tell he was tight, though.
And I noticed that he didn’t seem to want to pounce me any more. That kind of worried me. I mean, that’s why he brought me to his place. Right? And my pants were ripped open, so I know my scent was wide out there.
I had to ask, “So...what’s up?”
“Not much.” Certainly not his cock anymore.
“You tore my pants.”
He sucked hard on his cig, blew it out his nose. “Yeah, I know.” He was waiting, I guess, for Nick to come back.
Tired of the sleepy act, I pushed myself up. Honestly, I was wondering if he had anything good I could take. When Leo and Tommy caught up with us, I didn’t want to be totally coherent. And there’s only so much acting you can do.
Joe R. Lansdale, Mark A. Nelson