
Skorpio by Mike Baron Read Free Book Online

Book: Skorpio by Mike Baron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mike Baron
Tags: Fiction, Horror
Beadles' hand warmly.
    "Here's our star professor! Can't wait to see what you come up with, Vaughan. Betty, beautiful as always."
    "Thank you, Joel," Betty replied.
    `They filed in and took a seat at a round table in the back with a couple of department newcomers, Adjunct Professor Clayton Gray and his wife Doris. Gray was a pale and nervous young man with round glasses. Doris was a thick young woman in an oversized shirt.
    Gray turned to Beadles with a worried expression. "Did you hear? They're thinking of reducing our hours to comply with the new health care law. We will no longer be eligible for university health insurance."
    "I've heard," Beadles said. "It's bad news for everyone. They've put a freeze on hiring."
    "We hear they're going to start laying off faculty," Gray said.
    Doris put her hand on his arm. "Clayton, can we talk about something else?"
    A waiter appeared and plopped down salads. A young teaching assistant and his boyfriend joined them, both with long hair and bangs. All expressed delight at the Azuma acquisition and confidence that Beadles would produce a world-class collection.
    Shortly after dessert Liggett struck his crystal wine glass with his silver spoon. It was time for the department speech.

    "Anthropology!" Liggett boomed in a surprisingly deep voice. "The science of humans and their works!"
    Betty elbowed Beadles in the ribs.
    "I have always considered it the noblest of professions save for perhaps medicine. I am thrilled and honored to welcome you to our annual dinner. As I gaze out among you I see so many of you who have become more than colleagues, you are my friends and together we share not only a passion for learning, but a burning passion for justice and a better tomorrow, for it is only through understanding the past that we can endure the present and confront the future."
    Teaching assistant Ben whispered in his friend's ear and they giggled. Beadles knew just how they felt.
    "It has been an astonishing year by any measurement," Liggett continued. "From the discovery of a Mayan pyramid in Georgia to new evidence that South Sea islanders may have settled South America, the revelations have been unrelenting. As you all know, Mr. Jepson Hayes of Cross Creek, Arizona has chosen Creighton to be the recipient of the Azuma Collection, a treasure trove of what many believe to be a heretofore unknown tribe. This was due in no small part to the ongoing research of our distinguished Professor of Anthropology, Vaughan Beadles! Stand up, Vaughan."
    Smiling good-naturedly Beadles stood to enthusiastic applause. None clapped harder than Liggett although Betty was close. Vaughan did a formal little bow in three directions and sat.
    "As many of you know, Vaughan's 2011 paper, "Lost Tribe of the Southwest," appeared in the February issue of Modern Anthropology and inspired a Discovery Channel Special."
    They'd filmed it in the desert. It had been 110 degrees.
    "It is this type of research that brings credit to our college and fills the seats with students. Anthropology has been doubly blessed this year. As some of you already know, Mr. Daniel Potts, Class of '57, has generously endowed our department to the tune of two million dollars! Stand up, Dan."
    Liggett already had him scoped. Beadles followed Liggett's gaze and saw the tall man shaking his head no and waving off the suggestion but his tablemates thought otherwise. Reluctantly he stood, essayed a chilly smile and sat.
    There was more boilerplate and a couple of deans spoke. It was nine by the time the Beadles finally pulled themselves free and drove home. Lights glowed softly from the little house on Maple St. They parked the Ford in the drive and entered through the front door so as not to wake Lars. They could see Stephanie Byrd watching Game of Thrones on the flat screen TV through the big front window.
    She got up to greet them as they opened the door.
    "Hello. How was your evening?"
    "Very nice, Stephanie. Thank

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