Snatchers 2: The Dead Don't Sleep

Snatchers 2: The Dead Don't Sleep by Shaun Whittington Read Free Book Online

Book: Snatchers 2: The Dead Don't Sleep by Shaun Whittington Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shaun Whittington
Tags: Zombies
Parker had now eventually got onto the main road and welcomed the hard tarmac, as walking through the long grass was tiring and was sapping his valuable energy supplies. He took a pointless peep behind him to make sure it was safe. He knew it was safe, as it was a huge, wide-open road and he could see to the left and right of him if there was anything untoward coming at him from the trees, as the woods weren't as condensed at the side of the road. He huffed, as the weight of the bag on his back was beginning to slow him down and weaken his wobbly legs. His body walked around one last bend and he smiled, as he knew he was only a mile away from the village hall and couldn't wait for a big bowl of soup.
    He pulled his head back and allowed his face to take in some of the sun's rays. He continued to walk with a spring in his step, now that he could see the hall from a distance.
    He then sighed.
    It was a melancholy sigh, a sigh that was released once a short film was projected in his mind. The short film was a realistic film, but was depressing, nevertheless. Paul was certain that if ever those things turned up in their dozens, let alone hundreds, he feared for the camp. Most of the people in there were not fighters, two of them were just children. It would be a massacre, he thought.
    If they attacked from the front, it'd be near impossible to escape and run across the road to where the cars were parked, meaning their only escape route—provided they weren't surrounded—would be through the back where they had their meals and into the woods, into the unknown, and most probably, into an area where their inevitable death would be.
    Sure, right now, although the camp were still on edge as they had no idea what the hell was going on and with no signals from the their mobile phones, no TV, etc, there was still a satisfied feeling amongst them that at least they were still alive and still had food to consume.
    But for how long? Paul thought.

Chapter Nine
    They had both decided to take a look in the attic, as they weren't sure what they were going to find, if they were going to find anything. There was a chance that there could be nothing there, but Karen knew that if Pickle wanted the sleep his body craved, they were never going to rest, not until every square inch of the house was investigated. Even though Pickle had already been upstairs and checked the bedrooms, he and Karen slowly and hesitantly walked to the landing and double-checked the rooms once again.
    After checking, they closed all the doors tightly shut. They both looked up to the attic that was situated on the landing. There was a hook on the trap door of the attic. It was unhooked, which suggested to the two squatters that someone or something was up there. Pickle took his shotgun and gave the door a quick, sharp nudge, which allowed the door to open and swing out like a pendulum, and revealed a dark square hole in the roof.
    "Let's see if anything comes out o' there first," he suggested. They waited a few uncomfortable seconds and then he shouted up to the attic. "Hello!"
    "Hello!" This time Karen called out. "Is there anyone up there? We mean you no harm. Come out."
    They both waited patiently and stared into the black square hole waiting for something to happen, but it never came. They both gaped at each other, unsure about the next move, although the next move seemed obvious: One of them was going to have to go up and check it out.
    Pickle had a look of defeat and his facial expression made Karen aware that he should be first to go up to see if the area was safe. She had no qualms about going up herself, but she didn't want to impose on Pickle's masculinity.
    Karen clasped her hands together, with her palms facing up in order to give Pickle a bunk up. He carefully stood his shotgun against the wall near the bathroom, and placed his right boot into Karen's hands, and lifted himself up, grabbed the outside of the hatch and pulled himself up quite easily. He had a

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