So Not a Hero

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Book: So Not a Hero by S.J. Delos Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.J. Delos
and shake of my head. This wasn’t finished, but I needed a second or two to compose myself or else I was going to kill someone this evening. The impulse was pushing at me something fierce.
    Mark finally stopped screaming in pain and glared up at me in anger. “You fucking freak whore! You broke my goddamned hand.”
    I lashed out and snatched Mark by his shirt and hefted him over my head as if he were nothing more than a child’s toy. His arms and legs flailed around as I lowered him until our noses were inches apart. “I should tear one of your arms off. Or better yet,” I whispered as a smile stretched across my face, “maybe I’ll tear your dick off instead. Good luck raping those coeds without it.” I grabbed his crotch with my other hand.
    So much for walking the straight and narrow. I probably should have just walked away when trouble came.
    The wild limb motions ceased as the seriousness of my threat sank into his Neanderthal brain. “P-please,” he whimpered. “Please don’t hurt me.”
    As easily as I’d torn a piece off his car, divesting him of his manhood wouldn’t even be a challenge. “Is that what they said to you? Did they beg you to stop? I bet they did. They begged just like you’re doing now. And you didn’t stop, did you?” I gave his package a hard squeeze. “So why should I?”
    “Karen, don’t.” Derek’s voice cut through the silence and my anger. “Don’t let this moment define you.”
    I whipped my head over to him, staring. “What did you just say?”
    Everyone turned to look at the older man. He sighed and rubbed at the grey stubble peppering his dark skin. “I said that the moment should never define you.”
    I felt my mouth hang open and I released my captive. Mark landed on the asphalt with a thud and a groan before he rolled onto his back and resumed tenderly holding his hand. The sobs that came from his huddled form stabbed me in the chest and I slumped to the side, further denting the remains of the Camaro as I pushed it a few feet along the pavement. The reality of just how close I’d come to crossing a line in my life slammed into me.
    His friends took immediate advantage of the change in the situation. Two of them pulled Mark to his feet and headed away from the warehouse as fast as they could manage. A third boy followed after them, pointing in the direction of the more civilized part of town.
    The redhead walked over to me and stood there looking down at me. I gave him a half-glance before looking at the people I’d shared a meal with only hours before. All of them had the same fearful expression on their faces. It was a sharp contrast from the pleased amazement they’d shown when I crushed the pipe. I guess it’s one thing to imagine someone going all Hulk on your behalf and another when it actually happens. Witnessing some guy nearly get ripped apart takes the magic out of the show.
    “Thank you,” the boy said softly, “for not hurting him.”
    I refused to look at him, too afraid of the fury rising back up. “He’s a punk and a rapist.”
    “It’s not like that. Mark just got a little carried away–”
    “I don’t care.” I said, clenching my jaw tightly. I risked turning my eyes on him. “There is no excuse you can use that will make what he’s done okay. The best thing you can do, if you’re really his friend, is make sure he never does it again.” I grabbed the slab behind me and pulled myself to my feet, leaving a hand-shaped dent in the metal. “If not …” I pointed at the car.
    The boy nodded and walked past me after his friends. “It won’t.” I turned to watch him leave, waiting until he vanished in the darkness before turning back to the group. They were huddled around Derek, whispering and occasionally glancing in my direction. I sighed and walked past them back into the warehouse.
    I headed towards my stuff and rolled up my blankets, shoving them into the backpack. I added the jacket I’d been using for a pillow and the

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