Earth To Nole: Return of the Prince

Earth To Nole: Return of the Prince by Kumar Lomash Read Free Book Online

Book: Earth To Nole: Return of the Prince by Kumar Lomash Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kumar Lomash
him occupied.”, Moriti confessed. It was clear that she had feelings for Boriri.
    Kevin wanted to ask more but he saw Boriri and Keele return. He guessed Moriti would not be comfortable discussing this in front of him. He thought of continuing the topic later. Changing the topic, He asked. “What do you do on Mone? Are you with the government too?”
    “You couldn't be further from the truth, Kevin. She is anti-government!”, Boriri replied before Moriti could. He was clearly teasing her. Moriti looked at him and replied sharply, “Same could be said about you Boriri! You have been trying to bring down democracy for centuries now.”
    They laughed. They both knew they had more in common than they cared to admit. Moriti was less comfortable in her laughter though. She knew exactly how she felt about him.
    Boriri continued answering Kevin’s question, “She is a journalist, Kevin. A government critic, to be precise. She writes news articles tearing apart government policies and decisions. Apart from government bashing, she has also authored several books.”, Boriri enjoyed teasing Moriti.
    He continued, “I never planned for this but I think this is a fantastic coincidence that you two met at the terminal. She is a great teacher, Kevin. I hope she finds some time from her busy schedule for you.”. Boriri looked at Moriti. She agreed readily.
    Back on Nole, Joti and Gollow stood in front of Francis’s cabin. It looked like they have been waiting there for a long time.
    “I say, we forget Francis and go and talk to Holum.”, Gollow said what he truly wanted.
    “Golli, you have said that for the 50th time in the last half an hour. Let’s give him a chance, at least.”, Joti was clearly frustrated of the waiting but she had to talk to Francis.
    “He said he will meet you here at 9, right? It's 9:40 now. How long are we supposed to wait?”, Gollow was impatient.
    “Let me talk to his armbot.”, Joti gave in.
    “Finally!”, Gollow said with relief, he had been asking her to talk to the bot for a long time now.
    “Is Francis in?”, Joti asked the armbot who stood in front of the cabin.
    “No, he is in a meeting. Can I take a message?”, the armbot replied.
    “What meeting? All the people from the Union are here!”, Joti was surprised that there is a meeting going on without her knowing.
    “Let me get an update, miss Joti.”, the armbot tried getting an update. Joti knew that all armbots are connected to the spaceship’s network and can get updates on whereabouts of anyone on the spaceship.
    “Mr. President was in a meeting with ministers and officers of the Union. The meeting just ended.”, the armbot reported.
    “Is he coming here, now?”, Joti asked, she seemed a bit agitated.
    “Yes, he will be here in a couple of minutes.”, the armbot responded.
    Joti went back to Gollow and expressed her fear that Francis was upto something with his secret meetings. Gollow pointed out that the meetings are not secret just that the two of them were not invited. They kept discussing what this exclusion could mean when Francis arrived there.
    “Oh Joti, my dear. I am sorry, I totally forgot about our appointment.”, Francis was calm as always.
    “That’s ok, Francis. I am more concerned about not being invited to the meeting. What was the agenda?”, Joti asked straightaway.
    “Nothing important dear, just some Union business to take care of.”, Francis responded casually as he walked into his cabin.
    Joti followed him and confronted him with another question. Gollow waited outside. He was not comfortable following them in his cabin.
    “Sir, with due respect, Union business is my business. After all, I am the executive secretary.”, Joti said, she was speaking in a formal tone now. She didn’t feel as close to Francis as she used to feel earlier.
    “You certainly are, but I believe you have been very disturbed since that boy ran away with the hums. I didn’t want to bring it up earlier but now

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