Solar Storm

Solar Storm by Mina Carter Read Free Book Online

Book: Solar Storm by Mina Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mina Carter
engines without this.
    His words froze Nerys in her tracks. A frown creased her brow as she looked up at him. His face was drawn, expression tight, as though he fought for control.  
    “Why? Why would you just give them to me?” The question escaped her lips before her mind could intervene and stop it. The sensible part of her brain urged her to accept his offer, throw him out of her room and set sail again. She might even make the full bonus if they left now.  
    He shrugged and looked away. Suspicion joined the arousal swirling through her veins and she narrowed her eyes. What was he playing at? Was this all a game to mess with her head…agree to one thing then give her an easy out? It had all the hallmarks of a mind fuck and that she didn’t like. Fuck it. She wasn’t letting him get away with that.  
    “Oh no you don’t. I won’t default. We agreed on this so don’t you dare back out on me now.”
    With that, she kissed him, pouring all the pent up passion of a woman who sailed the solar roads alone, and with all the frustration of years of fantasy wrought around the man she’d fallen in love with as an impressionable teenager.  
    Grabbing him by the back of the neck, she explored. Slid her lips over his and back, savoring the shape and texture. The firmness and the slight brush of his stubble against her softer skin tantalized her before she swept her tongue against the seam to demand access. He parted them immediately and she pushed inside, groaning at the heat and deep, musky flavor of his kiss—like sandalwood and aged whisky. A familiar taste. One she couldn’t get enough of.
    She was addicted to him. The man she’d idolized and who’d betrayed her the night before their wedding with a succession of Talorian lap-dancers. He owed her far more than a pair of engines, and she sure as hell planned on collecting.
    He grunted in surprise as she pushed him back on the bed and clambered onto it next to him. The towel disappeared, but she didn’t care. Settling herself into his side, she claimed his lips with feather-soft kisses and light nips. Her hands worked at the buttons of his shirt, desperate to touch him.  
    They frustrated her, refusing to come loose. She growled. He broke from the kiss with a small chuckle and swept a hand down the opening. Buttons flew and scattered over the floor. One pinged off the closed doorway behind them.  
    “Happy now?” He grinned as she spread her hand, fingers wide, over his broad, muscled chest.  
    Gods, he was solid. Silken skin over steel muscles. She smirked at her own thought, worthy of a slushy romance holo-novel. Dismissing the idea, she stroked her fingers over the solid planes of his chest. No going to fat here…none whatsoever. Her fingers traced the series of silver scars running down his ribcage. A shudder hit her at the thought of the war, and the fact he could so easily have been killed.  
    “You like what you see?”  
    She flicked a glance up at his question. Head propped on her pillows, he watched her with an unreadable gaze. The expression in his eyes stole her breath. Midnight-dark and as hot as hades, it made promises about the night ahead. Promises she looked forward to.  
    She managed an indifference she didn’t feel. “You’ll do.” Leaning down, she ran the tip of her tongue over his flat, male nipple.  
    He barked a laugh. The next second, she was flat on her back, looking up into his handsome face. The light was behind him, casting his cropped black hair into a blue halo around his head, his features in shadow. All laughter had gone, leaving an almost feral expression. A shiver of anticipation jolted through her. Kelwin was—always had been—dangerous. The sort of dangerous she’d always had a thing for. Her body clenched hard.  
    “I’ll do ? Let’s see if we can up that rating, shall we?” He didn’t kiss her. Instead, he nuzzled at her neck, nipping her earlobe lightly before moving down her throat.

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