could never have rushed into things so
quickly with anyone else. Being together with Zach was amazing. She
didn’t think she could get enough of him.
    At a quarter after five she walked out of the
shop and her belly flip-flopped when she saw him parked in front of
the store. He leaned up against his Jaguar, his hands braced to
either side of him on the car.
    Delicious. He looked so sexy in a dark suit
that fit his tall form well. A smile touched his lips. His black
hair wasn’t as smoothly combed back as it had been last night. Now
it was a bit mussed from the breeze and she could see it was a
little longer than she had thought.
    She turned away from Zach long enough to lock
the heavy front door of her shop then walked up to him feeling like
no time at all had passed since they had first met. “Hi.”
    “You look beautiful.” His smile was sexy and
slightly naughty as he looked at her. “I’ve been thinking about you
all day.”
    “Funny, but I’ve been thinking about you,
too.” She reached him and he took her by her shoulders and kissed
her. “Mmmmm…” She gave a happy sigh. “And that’s what I’ve been
waiting for all day.”
    He enveloped her in a snug embrace and he
kissed the top of her head. “I have lots more planned for you than
just a kiss.”
    “Good.” She brushed his lips with hers. “You
were holding back last night. I want to experience what you really
like. I want to be like you picture me, in the same look and
position that excites you the most.”
    His eyes were dark, his expression intense.
“Be careful what you ask for, honey.”
    Her expression was serious as she said, “I’m
ready. I want to experience what you love.”
    After he helped her into the car he went to
the driver’s side and climbed in then headed for his home. Like his
nightclub, her shop wasn’t far from his home and it took only
moments to get there.
    His home was amazing and she got a better
look at it this time because she didn’t end up with her clothes off
almost as soon as she walked in. That was perfectly fine with her,
but it was nice to see the place where he spent his days and nights
when he wasn’t working.
    Or playing with other women.
    She frowned at the thought. But something
about those images aroused her also.
    “What’s wrong?” He paused just before they
reached the kitchen.
    “Nothing.” She shook her head.
    “Something is bothering you,” he said. “I can
tell you’re not telling me the truth.”
    She looked away for a moment before turning
her gaze back to his. “I was just thinking that you’ve played with
a lot of women.”
    “That’s true.” He studied her, “And you’ve
had sex with other men.”
    “Yes…” She bit the inside of her lip before
she continued. “Is what you said to me last night something you
tell other women? Do you tell other women that they are yours?”
    “Only you, Christy. There is no one else that
I am involved with right now.” He took her into his arms and she
caught his masculine scent and felt the heat of his body. “I don’t
tell them a lot of things that I told you.”
    She looked up at him. “Like what?”
    “That I want to care for them in every way.”
He placed a kiss on top of her head. “I don’t feel that way about
other women. Okay?”
    She nodded. “Okay.”
    He smiled, took her by the hand, and led her
to the kitchen. She caught the smells of freshly baked bread,
roasted vegetables, and other delicious smells.
    “I ordered in from my restaurant. They don’t
deliver, but it is one of the bennies of owning the place.” He
opened up aluminum containers with fish and vegetables, and a bag
with a baguette inside. “Your favorite. Swordfish.”
    “You have a good memory.” She breathed in the
smells. “Yum.”
    “I remember a lot of things.” He said and his
words held meaning to them.
    They set the table with a place setting at
the head and one to the right of it. Then they brought in the
containers with their

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