Sons of Abraham: J-17's Trial

Sons of Abraham: J-17's Trial by JOSEPH RAY Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Sons of Abraham: J-17's Trial by JOSEPH RAY Read Free Book Online
    “Tell your King that I shall be watching,” Joseph started. “If anything happens to these girls, if anyone even hints that foul action will be taken upon them, I will return to this planet with others like me. We will burn this place to the ground, and Parasus will become the new Atlantis. Do I make myself abundantly clear?”
    The guard swallowed hard, his balance threatening to fall backward as the Cyber continued to lean towards the shorter man.
    “Crystal clear,” he replied. “Have a safe journey, sir.”
    The eyes returned to their normal form, the MA backed away from the guard. The Cyber turned, his arms opening wide to reach the young girls who waited impatiently for their savior to take them home. The odd grouping made for the small ship as the guard watched, his mind pleading that his King would take no action upon the girls before him.

    Two brown eyes, seasoned beyond their years, watched the I.I.U. Agent makes his way across the port. The Den was no place for a lawman, a lesson that many had learned far too late in their lives. The law seldom found its way to Mesa, leaving the locals to create their own form of justice. Despite observing Earth’s common law, this place was an eye for an eye, giving back whatever you took. The Agent seemed to know his way around the port, making certain to move forward and avoid making eye contact with too many of the curious eyes that fell upon him. Not three years prior, the watchful brown eyes saw two young lawmen not make it half as far as this one before disappearing amongst the many dark shadows that covered the fronts of the dwellings. No, this agent seemed to have his wits about him, leaving one to ponder why he was there to begin with.
    “We got incoming boss,” AJ said into the small device embedded in his arms cuff.
    He waited for a minute, his brown eyes never losing the wandering Agent that had now crossed the side street, heading in a direction that AJ wished he wasn’t. They were in enough trouble already without the law from Earth sticking its noses into things.
    “How many?” a woman’s voice asked over the arm cuff.
    “Just one,” he replied, his voice low and rough. “Agent, by the looks of em. He’ll be on your nine real soon. Take a quick peek, can’t miss em.”
    The com went silent for several seconds before it filled with static. The man watched the Agent disappear into the mouth of the housing cave, taking it as his cue to head back from his perch. He knew that the boss could handle herself, but he wasn’t sure if things would get out of hand once others caught on that an Agent had just landed on Mesa.
    “You can stand down AJ,” the woman finally replied. “This one is an old friend.”
    “Copy that,” AJ replied, already halfway to the meeting spot.
    Captain Zena Benson finished waving to the approaching Agent before she closed the curtain to the second-floor window and returned to her gracious host. Yomiel Koranth was a pleasant man, as pleasant as one could be having lived on Mesa one’s entire life. He was taller than she, standing around six foot or six one. His hair was black, curly, with the slightest hint of gray beginning to seep through. His eyes were exceptionally large, the brown iris and black pupils engulfing the whites of the eyes. He was dark in the skin, needing a shave, and horribly thin. The man had little to speak of when it came to wealth, but he gladly shared what luxuries he could with his two guests.
    “You’re going to need another cup of coffee,” she stated to her host. “There’s an Agent heading this way.”
    “An agent?” Yomiel cried, springing to his feet. “We should be running then. Surely the man is here to arrest me and take my daughter back to that monster.”
    Captain Benson laughed, stalking across the room and placing a gentle hand upon the man’s bony shoulder. With a little force, she guided the frightened man back to his wooden seat. His eyes were wide,

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