Soul-Bonded to the Alien

Soul-Bonded to the Alien by Serena Simpson Read Free Book Online

Book: Soul-Bonded to the Alien by Serena Simpson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Serena Simpson
about his arms and eyes. The night mother came to me, running from her room.
    She said I was hysterical and sent me to the infirmary. He asked for permission to walk me down, he wanted to assure me he wasn’t a monster. The night mother gave her permission. I fought but he pulled me away and took me to a coat closet.” Her body began to shiver. “All I remember is feeling like something cold and deadly entered my body. When I made it to the infirmary the doctor said I was tired and traumatized. I would be ok soon. That was the last time I saw him before tonight, but I knew I was being watched.”
    “He knew what you were, Paige, because you were able to see through his glamour.”
    “What happens now? Will I die?”
    “There’s a possibility you might die. That night he put a venom snake in your body; it attached to your heart. I believe it has grown as you have. It is almost full grown. You have maybe forty-eight hours, after that the Sudir will be able to command it to kill you if he chooses.
    Coming across you at such a young age must have been a celebratory moment for him. You would become a future food supply he could tap once you came into your talents. That he put a venom snake around your heart meant he thought he may not be able to control you on his own. He must have seen something in you, Paige. Whatever it was scared him. Hopefully we can use that to our advantage.”
    “You’re not making sense, Cal. I’m going to die. Isn’t there anything I can do? Anyway I can get this out of me? Don’t the Arbrin and the Matra’s have doctors? What about the light that came from your hands? I don’t want to die just because that disgusting Sudir feels he has a right to suck my soul out. It’s mine and he can’t have it.” She slumped into the pillow, her spurt of energy used up.
    “You would be willing to fight for your life?”
    “Of course I would, it’s my life.”
    “What if it were our life?” He let his eyes bore into hers.
    Her desire to fight resonated within him. Watching her fight the snake as she declared her desire to live fascinated him. The snake hadn’t been able to gain the upper hand until she was finished. It also wasn’t at full power yet.
    She would have to be strong enough to prevent the snake from releasing its venom into her system in forty-eight hours. After that she would have maybe two weeks to learn how to defeat the snake or she would die and if he was connected to her so would he. He would have to make his decision tonight. Tomorrow they would have to put it into action.
    “You have two chances at life. I say two chances but in reality only one will work and even then that one depends on you. First option...”
    “Is this the one that won’t work?” her voice held wry amusement as she asked.
    His lips twitched, “It’s the one that won’t work. I can teach you everything you need to know about fighting a venom snake in two days. After that all you have to do is keep it from releasing its venom into your heart.”
    “How long does it normally take to teach someone what they need to know?”
    “Two days to two weeks if they are mated to an Arbrin. It’s never been done on an unmated female. The prevailing thought is that it would take years, but it is possible.”
    “I will take that one under consideration. You said there was another way.”
    “We develop a soul bond. Sounds simple but it’s not. Also it has a deep implication. You would be required to make a life decision that is irreversible. You may prefer death.”
    “Whatever you just said doesn’t sound simple but it does sound scary. I need more information before I say yes.”
    “Paige, you and I were meant to be mates. When mates accept each other they form a soul bond. Your word would be marriage, but once a soul bond is formed there can be no divorce. You will also find that mates cannot survive apart. We will physically become one in two bodies. Our hearts will beat in synch, we will breathe in

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