loudly: ‘Farn, my first born!’
The Dragons rustled their wings and looked about, until Fenj said quietly, ‘Here is Farn and his soul bond, Tika.’ He drew to one side and indicated that the pair should stand and go forward. Farn’s eyes were sparkling as he looked down at his mother. Tika stood with her hand lightly resting at the base of his neck and looked at Kija also. She felt Kija’s enormous relief as the Dragon saw that neither of them had been physically damaged at least. This time, the inspection by so many pairs of faceted eyes did not cause Tika to cower back. Rather she stood relaxed beside Farn.
The Dragons below began to move. Small groups formed, joined others, split off again. Clearly there was a great deal of discussion going on. But Farn was telling her to climb on his back, quickly. Tika did so and before she was really settled, he was in the air, gliding down to Kija. He wilted slightly under Kija’s intense stare but finally Kija spoke to both of them: ‘You seem to have dealt with these terrible events quite well.’
Tika interrupted to say Fenj and Kadi had both helped Farn. Kija’s eyes burned into Tika’s. ‘Farn, go with your brother and sisters while I speak privately with Tika.’
The five hatchlings, all shades of blue but for one creamy little female, flew from rock to rock in a game of chase. ‘I would see what happened Tika if you please.’
Tika opened her mind and showed Kija just what had happened. Kija wept and Tika hugged her as she had Kadi. ‘She said you were her clan sister. Fenj said Farn and I did the correct things when she died.’
Kija shuddered.
‘We all knew that Nula was embittered, verging on madness some of us feared, but that she would do this -. Enough. We must speak quickly of other things. What did Fenj mean about the Golden Lady?’
‘I don’t know. He hadn’t mentioned her to us. Who is she Kija?’
‘She is the One who speaks to all who listen. No doubt Fenj will tell us more at tonight’s Gathering. Now, what of Farn? There is a fragile place within him still despite the healing he has received.’
‘Well,’ Tika frowned. ‘We were both upset and frightened, but he seemed worse than I did. I know Krea was his family, but I’m not sure – I thought perhaps he took it all so badly because he is still so very young.’
Kija was watching Farn and his siblings as they came back across the open space.
‘I felt it was intended, that you should bond with Farn and it now seems Fenj knows more of this matter.’
By now, Farn had left the other hatchlings and returned to Tika’s side. His sapphire eyes flashed as he asked: ‘Has Tika told you what an excellent hunter I am Mother? And I’m just as good at making fire!’
Tika grinned at Kija’s rather startled expression. ‘I’m sure my son. But modesty is also a useful skill to learn.’ She turned, calling her other four children, and they rose up and over the circling ramparts.
Many of the Dragons approached Tika and Farn throughout the day, asking gentle questions, most of them tactfully avoiding the death of Krea. In the middle of the afternoon, Fenj called them to his cave. Neither of them noticed how many Dragons watched Tika slide easily across Farn’s back before he lifted them gracefully to Fenj’s cave.
Settled comfortably beside the black Dragon, they found meat had been put ready for them. As they ate Fenj told them: ‘The Golden Lady has spoken to me. She told me many things, which are hard for me to believe, but some I must tell the Gathering and a little more I must tell you two alone.
‘The balance of the world has – broken. The Lady Emla and the Grey Guardian between them maintain this world. Emla says a Balance weight has been lost, or stolen, and thus are things slipping awry. The Seasons are muddled already – I’m sure even the two legs have noticed that much.
‘Worse to me are the changes amongst we of the Treasuries. Barely a few Seasons ago,