Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Protecting Beauty (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros. Book 5)

Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Protecting Beauty (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros. Book 5) by MJ Nightingale Read Free Book Online

Book: Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Protecting Beauty (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros. Book 5) by MJ Nightingale Read Free Book Online
Authors: MJ Nightingale
had wanted to check on something else. He only had fifteen minutes or so and getting Wolf’s work done would definitely take longer than that, and it would require his undivided attention. Wolf was his former leader, but his real name was Matthew Steel. He had to check in with Wolf once a day and report the locations to him of a new surveillance monitoring program they were using now. It worked with the new Apple phones each of the men kept on them. They were testing out the equipment. Normally it only took about fifteen minutes each day to report in, but the software was getting an update and so they wanted to test it with moving targets. The men were all being sent to various locations in California with different routes in order to see how accurate the devices were with the new satellite access points they had acquired. It was a few hours work. But he would handle that later.
    When Melody suggested that he stay in while she shopped a bit, he immediately thought of Cat. Maybe he could spend a bit of time trying to find out what happened to her over the years. He was going to wait until after this vacation to do that. But he knew it would always be in the back of his mind until he knew something concrete. He didn’t know her current name, or the name she had taken after leaving foster care and going into the Witsec Program, but he still had some friends he could call that would be able to tell him if she was no longer in hiding. He’d make that call later too. But right now he could still do an old fashioned search on his own. He opened his browser window and pulling up Google he entered Cat Stenin. That was the name she had given them when they had rescued her, the name they knew her by all those years ago. Not expecting to find much, he was shocked that so much information appeared so quickly.
    By checking the google images he knew he hadn’t made a mistake either. He’d found the right Cat. He figured her cover had been blown by the headlines he scanned. Reading those, he saw to his despair that his presumption had been right. Even with a new identity, Cat Stone, someone from her past had found her, and the United States Federal Witness Protection Program, administered by the United States Department of Justice, had no way of knowing that her cover had been blown. He kept reading and his guilt began to claw at him even more. It seemed Cat had been hunted by a psychotic sociopath, a serial killer, who had known her from her time as a sex slave, and he had nearly succeeded in killing her. In fact, it had been her disappearance that triggered his mania.
    He’d killed several of her friends and had it not been for the Marinos, he’d have killed her in a cabin in Virginia after he’d kidnapped her. His heart beat frantically as he continued to read the article he found in the Tampa Tribune posted seven months ago. The serial killer had several names. The name that caught his attention was Spiro Makas. His world almost went black. That was Demetrius’ son. The one he had abused. The one who had disappeared after the trial. Spiro had also used other aliases, one was Salvatore Mazzelli. That was the name he had while in New York when he first started killing. He killed six women in New York, and an elderly couple there a decade ago. The papers had dubbed him the Rosedale Romeo then. He went off the grid for a decade and then started killing again once he came across Cat. She triggered his next killing spree and had apparently triggered the first when she had gone into Witsec. In Florida, he had killed six others under his Florida name, Darryl James, but it was his real name that made the black dots appear in his vision. It crushed Tex to know that is was Spiro Makas that had caused so much pain and destruction. He remembered the young man. He had been unassuming. He had been a victim of his father as well. During the course of the trial, he had even testified against his father and helped to convict them all. They had

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