Staked (Iron Druid Chronicles)

Staked (Iron Druid Chronicles) by Kevin Hearne Read Free Book Online

Book: Staked (Iron Druid Chronicles) by Kevin Hearne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kevin Hearne
believe in magic and would like their kids to be Druids very much.”
    “There are?”
    “Yes. Parents who are werewolves.”
    “What’s that, now? I thought ye couldn’t have kids. The transformation would kill the baby every time.”
    “That’s correct, but there are a few recently turned wolves around the world who had children before they were bitten. And of course they’re worried about them. They don’t want their kids to become wolves, but neither do they want their kids to feel excluded from their lives. They see Druidry as a perfect compromise. Their kids can remain in the magical world and even run with packs once they can shape-shift, but they never have to live with the curse of lycanthropy.”
    “How young are we talking?”
    “Let me ask instead, what would be the ideal age?”
    “Six to eight. They absorb languages easier when they’re young, and I can shape their minds to handle headspaces much better than if you start later. That way they would be bound to the earth when they’re eighteen to twenty,” I says.
    The wolves exchange a glance, and it’s Hal Hauk who speaks next. “We know of six children who fit that range. If you’re agreeable, we’ll have their parents transferred to the Flagstaff Pack and then you can be in charge of their instruction going forward.”
    “Well, hold on a minute now.” I try to sit forward on the couch and it fights me. I have to paw at the damn armrest to pull meself up. “You’re suggesting I start a grove here in Flagstaff? On Greta’s land?”
    “Why not, Owen?” Greta says. “We have the space. We have privacy. We have lots of trees on the property. And you can build what structures you want in addition to what’s already there. A greenhouse, maybe, for herbs and vegetables.”
    Six apprentices at once. With the full support and resources of the werewolves. It sounds suspiciously good.
    “These kids haven’t been bitten, right? You can’t bind ’em to Gaia if they’ve been bitten.”
    “No, no, they’re perfectly normal in every way,” Hal assures me. “It’s just their parents who are different.”
    “Once they’re bound, you know, they can’t ever be affected by a bite. Gaia won’t let them turn into werewolves. It’s why I can spar with ye without fear.”
    “That’s a definite plus as far as we’re concerned,” Greta says.
    “They’ll be vulnerable until then, mind.”
    “We understand. Strict safety measures will be in effect. They already are.”
    “Well, then,” I says, “I’m not opposed.” Smiles break out and I hold up a hand to stop them. “But don’t get too excited and don’t do anything yet. We don’t want to start something like this if Siodhachan is going to come along and cock it all up. I haven’t heard from him or Granuaile in a while, and I should make sure they know to leave me alone from now on.”
    Hal’s face suddenly looks tired, but he nods. “Probably best, you’re right. I know he’s worried about vampires right now—I am too, I suppose. One that used to work with us claimed the entire state as his territory. I don’t think he would mess with us, but should he decide to turn nasty it could be quite disastrous.”
    “Aye. So we’ll be cautious. I’ll check in with Tír na nÓg. Brighid has already given me her blessing in general to start training Druids, but I would like to get her specific blessing on this. We may enjoy the protection of the Fae as well as that of the pack.”
    Greta leaps up from her seat and pounces on me, pressing her mouth to mine and returning me to the clutches of the leather couch. “Thank you for considering it, Owen. It means a lot to us.”
    She’s warm and her hair smells like berries and vanilla and her breath comes quicker as we kiss, and then she rears back and twists me nipple hard before backing away to the door, a wicked smile on her face. “Run with me, Teddy Bear,” she says, using that nickname she thinks is cute but still

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