Standing By (Road House)

Standing By (Road House) by Madison Stevens Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Standing By (Road House) by Madison Stevens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Madison Stevens
Tags: romance novella
on the lips. “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you.”
    Pan studied the blazing depths of his eyes and found the comfort she needed. She leaned into him once again and let him pull her along.

Chapter Seven
    Emilio paced the hall as he listened to Pan tell her story about Max. Several times he had to hold himself back from going in and throwing her over his knee. Pulling a God-damned knife against someone like Max. Twice.
    He stopped and scrubbed a hand down his face. All along he was trying to keep her out of trouble, and she was already neck deep in it.
    Her story came to an end, and he went in and sat in the chair near the couch. Connor shot him a scowl. He was tempted to flip him off but didn’t want the hassle. Pan needed him, and he’d be damned if he wasn’t there for her.
    “So what’s the plan?” Emilio asked.
    Connor and Pan both turned to him.
    “Well,” Connor said. “That was just a warning. I’m guessing they didn’t expect to get caught and will up the ante.” He turned to Pan. “It would be best if you didn’t stay there tonight. I’ll have my men run by, but we can’t be there all the time. Is there somewhere you can go?”
    “She’s staying here.” Emilio chimed in. Her surprised eyes found his.
    Connor nodded. “That would be best. I can have the guys run by every hour.”
    Pan sighed. “Maybe I should stay with Iris and Luc.”
    Emilio shook his head. “They shouldn’t be involved in this. Iris is already so emotional. It would kill her to know you were in trouble. I’ll call Luc and let him know. Maybe he can make and excuse like the bookstore is being fumigated to explain why the place needs to stay closed.”
    She nodded. Maria appeared at the door. Likely she’s heard they would have company.
    “Pan, why don’t you come with me? I’ll get you something comfortable to wear and you can take a shower.”
    Emilio’s heart wrenched at the drained look on her face. He wanted nothing more than to soothe the day away and curl up in the bed with her, but first he needed to work out a plan with Connor.
    She walked by and he reached out to hold her hand.
    “I’ll come talk to you in a bit.”
    Pan nodded. He rubbed wrist to assure her.
    When Maria and Pan had left the room, he turned back to Connor.
    “So what can we do? I’m tired of this bullshit.” He could feel the muscles in his shoulders tense from anger. Max had fucked up. It was one thing to pressure him to pay more, but coming after his brother and now Pan was the final straw. He only hoped that when they were finished he’d have the chance to lay a couple licks on him for putting his hands on Nic. Fucker had it coming.
    “I got a couple leads on something going down tomorrow night. Might be our only chance to pin him with anything. Got to make sure it’s a good one so the prick will serve time.”
    Connor stood as he spoke and Emilio followed.
    “You okay to stay here?” Connor asked.
    “I’ve got some assurance that we’ll be all right.” Emilio crossed his arms over his chest.
    “I don’t need to know about your assurance. Just make sure it doesn’t end your ass up in jail. Last thing they need is to bail you out.” He nodded in the direction of the kitchen.
    Emilio stuck out his hand. “Thanks again for coming by. I really didn’t know where else to turn with this.”
    Connor grasped his hand firmly. “Any time. I’ll be in touch about tomorrow.”
    He watched the detective leave and pulled out his phone. Now he just had to make sure Pan was where he could see her.
    “Hey, Luc. We need to talk.”
    Pan let the hot water wash over her. The chill that has seeped into her bones just wouldn’t go away. She’d had close calls before, but these men were serious. Hell, just the fact they were willing to take out some teen said it all.
    The sound of the bedroom door drew her from her thoughts. After shutting off the water and drying off, she went out to meet with Maria. Comfortable

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