
Warsworn by Elizabeth Vaughan Read Free Book Online

Book: Warsworn by Elizabeth Vaughan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Vaughan
purchased them for me while we'd been encamped.
    Marcus had won on the issue of clothing, since that scarred little man had worked miracles in providing me with tunics and trous, and even one memorable red dress. While the clothing he provided was plain, it was also comfortable.
    I'd won on the issue of undergarments.
    Keeping the blanket around me, I struggled into my breastband as fast as I could, listening to the sounds of warriors and horses moving around our shelter. The leaves somehow didn't seem as thick as they had been a few minutes ago. "Keir, it can't be my people."
    Keir grunted, reaching for his armor, called out in a strong voice. "Yers!"
    "Call senel to hear the report. Warn Marcus, and find Joden as well. Summon the Warprize's guards."
    Yers's voice was raised beyond the thicket, carrying out his orders, even as Keir stopped speaking. Keir continued to dress, his movements as fast and precise as a cat's. "We'll know soon enough, Lara." His face was grim as he rearmed himself.
    I paused, my arms buried in my tunic, fear coursing through me. "And if it is?"
    "It will be answered," was his gruff response. He gestured for me to continue, and I pulled the tunic on over my head, fighting to pull my hair free.
    It had been one of my greatest fears. While I'd convinced Warren, the Lord Marshall, and the entire Council of the wisdom of accepting Keir as Overlord, we'd all known that the outlying areas might not be quite so accepting. Messengers had been sent to spread the word, but events had moved fast, even faster than the pace Keir had set for our return to the Plains. It was possible that one of the smaller villages had decided to defy the command, but I thought it unlikely. No single village had the wherewithall to close its gates and refuse to submit. The long summer of fighting before Xymund had conceded defeat had taken men from the villages.
    There was a question as to whether we had enough workers to take in what was left of the harvest, much less resist a foe. For in one thing, Keir was implacable: oathbreakers are punished absolutely, and completely. If a village or town swore fealty to him, and then rejected his control, he would raze it to the ground and salt the cinders.
    I struggled with my hair, trying to free it from my tunic, as Keir waited impatiently. "I'm sorry.
    I should probably cut this mess off."
    Keir stepped forward, and eased his hands under my hair, pulling it free for me. "Don't." His hands were warm and I shivered as he brushed my neck. I tilted my head up and he lowered his and kissed me. There was a sense of desperation, almost fear in him, and I brought my arms up to hold him close. He wrapped an arm around me as well and deepened the kiss until I ran out of breath.
    He raised his head, and we stood in each others arms for a moment, until the sounds beyond the alders reminded us of the world around us. He stepped back with reluctance. I straightened my clothing, and he waited until I finished, but stopped me when I reached for the blankets.
    "Leave that." He turned, and started through the thick branches, again keeping the branches off my face as I followed. The birds protested again as we emerged from our haven to find Yers standing there, holding his and Keir's horses. Prest, Rafe, Isdra and Epor were coming up behind him.
    Yers handed Keir his reins. "There's a large willow at the top of a crest down the road. I've called the senel to meet there, and have summoned the scouts."
    I stood there, breathing hard, trying to braid up my hair. "What has happened?"
    Yers shrugged, his crooked nose twitching. "All I know so far is that the scouts were attacked by Xyians."
    "Injuries?" Keir asked.
    "Unknown." Yers responded.
    "Send word to Ortis that I want the scouts involved at the senel." Keir mounted, the leather creaking as he pulled himself into the saddle. "We'll go on ahead." He turned to speak to Prest and Rafe as Yers mounted his own horse. "Gather up the Warprize and her

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