And you probably think that’s why they call you a Jedi Prince?" Kadann laughed a bitter laugh. "It might interest you to know that that’s where we’re heading-to the fourth moon of Yavin, and then to Lost City."
"You’ll never find it without our help," Luke interrupted. "And we’ll never help you."
"You’ve already helped me, Skywalker," Kadann said with a sneer. "You took Triclops to SPIN headquarters, and he found the coordinates of the Lost City in one of your files. You didn’t know that Triclops was an Imperial mole --one of our spies planted within your beloved Alliance. He’s been in frequent communication with us, thanks to one of these-" Kadann held up a small round device, an implant like the one the Empire had inserted in Triclops’s molar.
Luke and Ken exchanged a knowing glance. Was the plan working? Triclops had provided Kadann with disinformation about the location of the Lost City. However, it certainly appeared that Kadann believed the false coordinates to be accurate. Luke and Ken were then led by the Imperials down a long hallway. Soon they reached an observation room with a huge window. There they were to remain under armed guard, and under the close, watchful gaze of several of the Imperial prophets. Luke tried to concentrate on the Force. He realized that, using the power of the Jedi, he might be able to free his hands by moving the tumblers of the lock that held his wrists fastened behind his back. But try as he might, Luke was still unable to put himself in tune with the Force. His mind was cloudy, and his arms and legs still tingled from the effects of the stun-beam.
Soon the Imperial spaceship was hovering over Yavin Four, close to the location of the decoy entrance to the Lost City. Kadann entered the observation room. He then turned to High Prophet Jedgar and said, "It has occurred to me, Jedgar, that the information about how to find the Lost City came to me rather easily-suspiciously easily, I now realize. I’m going to send some stormtroopers into the jungle first. They’re to fly in a command speeder, taking Grand Moff Hissa with them."
"Certainly, Kadann," Jedgar replied.
"Hissa should be the first to descend in the tubular transport to the Lost City," Kadann continued. "If this is a trick and he dies, nothing is lost, since he’s been sentenced to death anyway."
Luke and Ken watched on a remote viewing screen. They saw stormtroopers take Grand Moff Hissa, who was still chained to his hover-chair, into the Imperial command speeder. They then descended to the jungle and landed. The screen showed Hissa being removed from the smaller spacecraft. His face wore a bitter scowl, the look of a soldier who had long served the Empire and now felt betrayed by the new Imperial leader. The landing party continued until they reached the circular green marble wall. The door of the tubular transport opened, and the stormtroopers put Grand Moff Hissa, who was chained so that he could not escape, inside the transport. Then they programmed the controls for it to descend.
Kadann’s inquisitive eyes were fixed on the screen too. He could see the tubular transport traveling deep underground.
Then the transport came to a stop. Hissa’s chair, which had been designed to float only a few feet above the ground, went out of control as he steered it through the tubular transport door and over a gigantic hole. Hissa plunged, tumbling treacherously toward the volcanic river below. When he struck the flaming lava, he bobbed up and down, baked by the deadly molten sea.
"No, Kadann, noooooo!" Hissa screamed. But soon he melted into the fiery underground stream, and his charred remains sunk to its depths.
"So!" Kadann said with quiet fury. "The information I received from Triclops was a trick after all. You fed him false data, Luke Skywalker, hoping that it would lead me to my doom." Kadann bared his teeth and grunted. "Skywalker, you shall be the next to go down in that tubular transport to meet