Starbright (The Starbright Series)

Starbright (The Starbright Series) by Rachel Higginson Read Free Book Online

Book: Starbright (The Starbright Series) by Rachel Higginson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Higginson
                  Would I even be going to school after winter break? An uneasy feeling crept into my belly. I hadn’t really felt all that attached to high school before last night, but now the thought of giving it up, the idea of moving on with my li fe already felt so… final. So… depressing.
                  With another sigh, only this one sounding more disgruntled and angry than happy, I threw the covers off and sat up in bed. With men downstairs, it was probably a good idea to get dressed before breakfast. That would mean a bra. Definitely a bra . Although a part of me rebelled against the idea of wearing anything but sweats while e ating chocolate chip pancakes, I didn’t see much other choice.
                  Just like my future.
                  Ok, get a grip.
                  I laughed a little, and forced myself to smile again. I was being absolutely ridiculous about the whole thing. Whatever happened would be for the best, I believed that, it was just easy to forget and I didn’t want to wallow in self-pity. That wasn’t who I was, or who I was born to be .
                  Besides, I didn’t actually know anything for certain and I wasn’t going to get any answers staring into my closet, willing them to appear.
                  With a final, determined decision to face whatever the next step of my life was going to be with a good attitude , I stood up and walked into my narrow walk-in closet. I chose the workout outfit I would wear later in the day, no sense in dirtying more clothes than necessary. And then shimmied into track pants over my short, red running shorts. Adding a zip up jacket over my nylon tank top, I pulled my golden hair into a loose bun on the nape of my neck without brushing it.
                  Deciding makeup was not necessary this morning, I left my room for the bathroom and a quick wash of the face. Staring at my self in the round mirror, I wondered if I looked any different now that the Protectorship was technically mine . My skin tone was the same flawless bronze that Seth’s was, a byproduct of our natural inner light ; even without actually glowing , we still kind of glowed so to speak . The girls at school envied me for my great skin, and I thanked them leaving out the fact that it was a byproduct of fighting demons. My eyes were still frighteningly pale blue, like the color of really frozen ice, not just the cubes, more like polar ice caps. My eyes were my least favorite feature; they were too pale… to other- worldly . And they were so freaking big! Why did they have to be so big? I was convinced I looked like a tan dead person or the big bad wolf .
    The b etter to see you with my dear….
                  Splashing more cold water on my face I wondered if other Stars worried about the shade of their eyes or were embarrassed of their skin tone . Or maybe , born and raised in the lowest level of H eaven, and then sent to light up the galaxy and protect the universe, they had never even seen their reflection in a mirror.
                  Vanity was surely not an asset they possessed though , not something they lived with . And with that thought I left the bathroom in search of the traditional Sunday breakfast Annabelle always made for me . Other than saving humanity, eating chocolate chip pancakes had to be my second favorite event ever .
                  I bounded down the servant stairs and into the kitchen expecting to greet Annabelle’s happy face and a plate full of steaming hot chocolate chip pancakes, like every other Sunday morning of my life when my parents were out of town. The chocolate chip pancakes were there, but Annabelle’s face wasn’t so much happy as it was terrifying and angry.
                  The whole atmosphere of the kitchen felt ripe with an awkward confrontation on the verge

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