
Stardust by Linda Chapman Read Free Book Online

Book: Stardust by Linda Chapman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Chapman
plants to keep the water in? And Robyn, why don’t you and I put shields round the badger sett until help arrives.’
    â€˜Sure,’ Robyn said.
    While Ella got on with growing plants along the top of the bank to stem the flow of water, Lucy pointed at the badger sett. ‘Shield be with me!’
    Nothing happened.
    â€˜Shield be with me!’ repeated Lucy.
    Still nothing.
    She tried to pull power up from inside herself, but it just wouldn’t seem to come. She looked round. Robyn was staring at her uneasily. ‘What’s the matter?’
    â€˜My magic won’t work! Try yours!’
    Robyn pointed at the sett. ‘Shield be with me!’
    A perfect shield formed round the badgers’ sett. The water reached it, but couldn’t get through.
    Lucy’s thoughts raced. Joanna wasn’t there! So who was affecting her magic?
    Suddenly she sensed that she was being watched. She swung round, feeling as if icy fingers were running down her spine. A rabbit hopped away into the bushes and then Joanna stepped into the clearing.‘Hello, girls. I just thought I’d come and see how you were getting on.’
    Lucy stared. How long had she been there? Before she could say anything, Allegra and Faye came swooping back to the clearing with four of the adults.
    â€˜Good work, Robyn!’ Emma called, seeing the shield around the sett. ‘And Ella!’
    Allegra suddenly seemed to see the shock and confusion on Lucy’s face. ‘Are you OK?’ she asked in concern.
    Lucy was desperate to talk, but not with everyone there. She looked round and saw Joanna watching her with an inscrutable expression on her face. As soon as she caught Lucy’s gaze Joanna’s face relaxed into a warm smile. Lucy waved and walked over to Robyn.
    â€˜What’s going on?’ Allegra said.
    â€˜My magic didn’t work,’ Lucy hissed. ‘And Joanna was in the trees!’
    She glanced over and caught Robyn saying something in an urgent whisper to her mum. Joanna carried on smiling, but gave a quick shake of her head and then went to help the other adults. Lucy stared at Robyn. Robyn caught her gaze, flushed and looked away. Lucy felt fear and anger swirl inside her. Joanna was doing something to her and Robyn knew about it. She was sure!
    At last the riverbank was shored up enough and the water was dried up by heat and wind. When Lucy tried to help the other summer spirits with the heating up, she was relieved to find that her magic was working again. But allthe time she was doing magic, she kept thinking about what had happened. Her magic hadn’t worked. Joanna had been there. She remembered the look on Robyn’s face when she had caught her gaze after Joanna had been talking to her. What did Robyn know?
I’m going to find out
, Lucy thought determinedly.
    When everything had been cleared up, the adults left to go and see how the others were getting on moving the fallen tree. ‘See you later,’ Joanna called.
    As soon as the adults had gone, Allegra flew over to Lucy. ‘So what happened?’ she demanded.
    Lucy ignored her and marched over to Robyn.
Be careful
, a voice said in her head,
her mum might be a dark spirit
. But she ignored it. ‘What’s going on?’ she said hotly.
    For a second, Robyn looked taken aback and then she smoothed her hair. ‘What do you mean?’
    Lucy glared at her. ‘Your mum’s doing something to me!’
    â€˜Don’t be stupid,’ Robyn protested, but Lucy was sure she saw a look of guilt flicker across the other girl’s eyes.
    Anger rose inside her. ‘She’s stopping my magic from working,’ Lucy said, aware that Ella, Faye and Allegra had gathered round and were listening.
    â€˜My mum? No, she isn’t!’ Robyn said, but her voice was high and Lucy was sure she was lying.
    â€˜She is!’ she said. ‘She’s a dark spirit!’
    â€˜Lucy!’ Ella

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