Stay With Me

Stay With Me by A. C. Marchman Read Free Book Online

Book: Stay With Me by A. C. Marchman Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. C. Marchman
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
greens, macaroni and cheese, and a huge plate of fried chicken are placed on the table.  We all hold hands and Rob says a prayer out loud before we eat.
    As the Lord’s prayer is being said, I peek through my lashes at Donovan and I see him looking at me, too.  He licks his lips provocatively, giving me a burst of desire radiating down between my thighs.  I want that mouth on me, everywhere.  I stare at him, so turned on and hardly able to contain myself.  I bite my bottom lip to let him know how affected I am by him and he winks at me.  He mouths, “You are mine later.”  His promise gives me tingles down into my core, making me cross my legs while trying to block out the dirty thoughts I’m having.  I want his body rubbing against mine, his tongue licking my skin...
    “Amen.”   Oh my God, I’m going to hell .  I just had sexual thoughts while everyone else was praying.  I look down at my hands as I feel the blush start to heat my cheeks and I hear Donovan chuckle.  I shoot him a look, and he cocks his head to the side in that sexy way.  His eyes are half closed, giving me a look that drives me insane.  His lips are curled into a devilish smile and it takes everything in me not to excuse myself to the bathroom so I can pleasure my own damn self.  I look away and try to pay attention to the conversation going on around me.  I hear talks of wedding reception, vows, the music and the guest list.  Since I don’t know anything that goes into a wedding, I have a hard time paying attention.  But maybe I’m having a hard time paying attention because Donovan keeps giving me naughty looks from across the table.  We all pile our plates up with Southern comfort food and dig in.  And it’s out of this world good!  No one says anything for a few minutes, as we start to savor all of the wonderful flavors.  Then Stacey breaks the silence.
    “Ya’ll are gonna love our first dance song,” Stacey giggles, looking lovingly at Gabe.  My attention turns to her.  His eyes glimmer as they stare back into hers.  “It’s Kenny Chesney’s You Had me at Hello. It’s so sweet.  And the song I am going to dance with my daddy to is ‘Butterfly Kisses’.  It’s the song he picked out a long time ago for my big day.”  She is glowing, her smile beaming because her future with her Prince Charming starts tomorrow.  I try to suppress my frown, knowing my dad won’t ever give me away at my wedding or dance that father/daughter dance with me.  I guess that honor will go to my brother someday.
    “Stacey, dahling, you are going to look absolutely breathtaking tomorrow.  Gabriel, you are a very lucky man,” Donna purrs through her plump, collagen filled lips.  Jesus, I’m having a hard time looking at her and liking her.  I really wanted to try to get along with her, but that looks like it’s not happening.  I feel it in my gut that she is nasty to her very core.  This is going to be a long weekend.  
    Stacey gives Donna a tight lipped smile and says “Thank you.  I just hope Gabriel thinks that way.”  
    “Sweetie, you know I will,” Gabe says, laying his hand over hers and kissing her lightly on her cheek.  My heart picks up a pace just looking at them.  It must be nice to be so completely in love with someone they consume your every waking thought, your dreams, your mind...and that’s when I realize it.   I’m completely, head over heels in love with Donovan.  I think my face looks like I’ve seen a ghost because I hear, “Allie, are you okay?” come from across the table.  I turn to look into the face of the man I want to spend my forever with and see it etched with concern.  
    I nod my head and grin.  “Everything is perfect.”  He gives me a curious look, like what the hell is wrong with you kind of look.  I love him, but does he feel the same way about me?  There’s little doubt that he doesn’t, but I can’t be completely sure and I’m sure

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