STEEL: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 3)

STEEL: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 3) by Samantha Leal Read Free Book Online

Book: STEEL: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 3) by Samantha Leal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Leal
    A fight broke out in the street and the cops jumped in with batons. Candy gasped and squeezed Steel tighter. She had no idea what she was doing. After everything she had been through, what was she playing at letting herself get into this kind of situation?
    Steel parked the bike and lifted Candy off by the waist. She smiled at him as he looked down at her, and she swept a strand of hair behind her ear.
    “Come on,” he said as he took her hand and led her towards the entrance. “There’s something I want you to see…”

    After working in a place like Red X, Candy didn’t think there was much that could shock her. But as she walked through the doors of The Bleeding Bullet that night, she knew instantly that was about to change.
    Her mouth gaped open as she moved into the throng of people and went deeper into what she could only describe as a den of iniquity. Women were draped all over the bikers, straddling them and kissing them feverishly as if it were their last night on earth. She saw them dancing on tables, flashing their underwear and crawling beneath to pleasure the men they had in their sights. Candy gasped and looked away. Nothing like that ever happened in Red X. The girls may take their clothes off for cash…but that was as far as it went.
    Steel squeezed her hand tightly and led her towards the bar. As the sea of faces parted, her eyes locked with someone familiar and Candy felt her heart flood with joy.
    It was Lexi.
    “Oh my God!” she beamed as she dropped Steel’s hand and ran towards her. The girls wrapped their arms around one and other and Lexi squeezed her tight.
    “How are you, stranger?” Lexi asked.
    King was sitting by her at the bar and Lexi was working. She had a new ring in her nose and her hair was spiked up black, but Candy had never seen her looking so happy.
    “I’m good,” Candy smiled. “Well, I am now.”
    She looked up at Steel and felt the warm rush flood her again.
    “I heard what’s been happening,” Lexi said seriously as she took hold of Candy’s hand. “You’ve got to get out of there.”
    Her eyes were serious and full of warning, and Candy shook her head with confusion. “What do you mean?” she asked warily.
    King and Steel looked at one and other, and Lexi picked up a bottle of whiskey and four short, fat tumblers before she motioned towards the back of the room.
    “We need to talk to you,” she said. “Come on.”
    She followed them to the very back of The Bleeding Bullet to a private room, guarded by a rope and long velvet curtains. Steel sat Candy down and wrapped a protective arm around her shoulder, and King took charge of the whiskey bottle, pouring each of them a couple of inches to knock back in one.
    “The club…” King said, “is fucked.”
    Candy felt herself tense and she looked from King to Lexi and then from Lexi to Steel.
    “What? How?” she asked.
    “The Iron Riders,” Steel said as he pulled out a packet of cigarettes and clamped a smoke between his teeth. “Marv’s in debt to them and they’re going to wipe the floor with him.”
    “The who?” Candy asked, confused.
    “The Iron Riders,” King knocked back his glass of whiskey. “The MC from Ironhill…”
    Candy kept looking at them all, not understanding in the slightest what any of them were talking about.
    “Our rival club,” Steel said as he squeezed her shoulder. “They’re making all kinds of threats.”
    “Oh,” Candy caught on. “But why?”
    “Our scores go back decades,” King said, pouring himself another glass. “But now tensions are higher than they’ve ever been…” he trailed off and looked at Lexi, who lowered her eyes.
    “My dad,” she said. “He’s always managed to keep the peace, but now he’s sick…and…well, no one knows what’s going to happen…”
    “Why does Red X have anything to do with this?” Candy asked.
    “Because Marv has been in debt to us both for as long as I can remember,” King sneered. “And

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