Step Brother

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Book: Step Brother by Jayna King Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayna King
Tags: Romance
seen her in a long time, and she’s decided that she wants to make up for having been a pretty shitty parent, all things considered. She invited me to lunch and said she had some kind of surprise for me.”
    “Was she the same old Tina I’ve heard stories about?”
    “No, and that’s part of the weirdness of the day.” I realized I had left out one of the critical parts of the story. “But first … last night. I was over at the Hard Rock, and this chick I knew from elementary school walked in. We were pretty good friends when we were little. She was a cool chick. Anyway, when she was in high school, her dad—he was on the city council—got arrested for accepting a bribe or something and got sent to prison. She went to live with her mom in Texas, and now—just recently—she’s moved back to Vegas. Graduated from law school and is looking for a job.”
    I signaled to the bartender that we wanted another round and continued. “Anyway, she’s smokin’ fuckin’ hot, and I ran into her, talked the concierge into letting me use one of the suites, and let’s just say neither one of us got a whole lot of sleep last night.”
    Butch shook his head. “God, there are days when I miss being single.”
    “So back to today. I show up at this fuckin’ mansion, and my mom walks out. Turns out she got married to a guy who’s filthy rich—a guy she’d known for a week. They met at some yoga retreat in Costa Rica, and now she’s taking classes to talk like a country club wife and talking about doing charity work and shit.”
    “Wow. Is the guy willing to adopt you?”
    “No, and he’s kind of a dick. Offering me investment advice. Jackass told me at one point that I shouldn’t be stuffing cash in my mattress.”
    I thought Butch was gonna spit his beer out. “Did you tell him about how much money you’ve made in the stock market?”
    “Fuck no. He cares what people think about him. I don’t.”
    “Jesus, I wish I could have been there.”
    “Oh, I’m not even halfway done yet.”
    “Completely. So before I meet the guy, Mom and I are talking in her ‘office.’ Why she needs an office I have no clue. Anyway, I’d decided that since she wanted me there, wanted to make up for the years she was too drunk or hungover to care much about me, that I was going to get what I wanted from her. You know she’s always refused to tell me who my father was, right?”
    “Well, I found out why. It’s Gordon fucking Gentry.”
    “You are shitting me.”
    “Why didn’t she tell you? He’s rich as shit, man.”
    “Exactly what I asked her. Turns out, he was married with another kid on the way and didn’t want his wife to leave him. Add to that the fact that Mom was underage when he knocked her up, and he paid her off—rent money and shit, and she agreed to leave him alone.”
    “Jesus, Reed, that’s a whole lot to digest.”
    I shook my head. “Still not done.” I looked over at Butch to see his eyes widen. “I calm myself down and go outside to meet Mom’s rich husband, and who’s there? Tatum—the girl I fucked last night.”
    “What the hell was she doing there?”
    “Again—that’s what I asked her. You ready for this?”
    Butch nodded.
    “She’s my new sister. Well, stepsister.”
    “You’re makin’ this up.”
    “Nope. I slept with my stepsister last night. And you know what’s worse?”
    He shook his head.
    “She was fantastic.”
    Butch just lost it, and by the time he was finished laughing, he was holding his sides. “Dude, that’s the most fucked up thing I’ve ever heard in my entire life. Your mom’s banging a rich guy. Your dad’s a rock star, and you slept with your sister.”
    “Stepsister. Glad my life amuses you.”
    “So tell me about last night. She’s hot?”
    “Yeah, she’s hot.”
    “Was she off the hook in bed? Into anything weird?”
    “Quit it, man. I’m not gonna give you details.”
    “Well, this is gonna make

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