Stop Wasting Your Life & Do Something

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Book: Stop Wasting Your Life & Do Something by Simon Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Simon Smith
Tags: Health; Fitness & Dieting, Self-Help, Motivational
thoughts without BECOMING your thoughts?
    This is something you can practice at any time. You don’t need to close your eyes, you don’t need to be sat down, and you don’t need a table. You can just pause your hectic mind, and become aware of what is happening in your mind.
    When you practice this more and more frequently, you will find it becomes second nature to be more in control of your mind. This frees your mind up from negative thinking, and allows you to just BE.
    You can then decide on your thoughts.
    This is healthy thinking. You can choose the thoughts you have. You can choose the thoughts you wish to get attached to. You can decide whether or not to allow yourself to become attached to a thought you deem negative.
    The trick here is to practice this every day. Sitting at your desk at work, become aware of your thoughts. Driving down the street, become aware of your thoughts. Standing in a queue at a shop, become aware of your thoughts.
    Practice, practice, practice!!
    How else can you have healthy thinking?
    Well you need to think in a healthy way about yourself. If you struggle with this, I recommend One Hour To Positive Self Esteem, as that book is purely dedicated to this topic, and will help you massively.
    Here are a few ideas though.
    Your thoughts are made up of images, sounds, feelings, and inner dialogue. If you can control, or at least start to control these, it will have a massive impact on you. The images and movies you hold in your mind and your inner dialogue will control your emotions. Your emotions will control how you feel, and this will control how you act and behave! As it can be the most destructive way of thinking, let’s look at internal dialogue!
    Internal Dialogue
    This is the voice in your head. Don’t pretend you don’t have one, as we’ve all got one. It’s turned on pretty much all of the time, and is always there. The voice you’re hearing in your mind as you read this page is your internal dialogue.
    As described above, you also need to become aware of what you are hearing in your head, as well as the images and scenes you play out in your mind.
    Does your internal dialogue ever put you down? Does it say things like; “You’re such an idiot sometimes!”, “It’s not worth going for that promotion, you’ll never get it!”, “Why would a person like that be interested in you?”
    If it does, this is not healthy. You can train your internal dialogue to be more positive by being aware of what it’s saying. If you can stop yourself becoming attached to the content of what it’s saying, then this will stop it having a negative effect on you.
    As soon as you catch it saying something you don’t like, stop it, tell the voice in your head to be quiet, and then replace the negative comment with something positive. Over time, this will act like pouring clean water into a glass of dirty water. The unclean water (thoughts) will eventually make way for clean water (thoughts), and you will no longer have this problem.
    Does your internal dialogue silently berate or criticise others? If it does, the process is exactly the same. Stop the thought as soon as you become aware of it, and replace it with another thought that is positive. You will be amazed at how different you begin to feel about yourself and others when you stop listening to everything your mind comes up with!

Chapter 16
    Healthy Associations
    By healthy associations, I am talking about people. The people you spend time with to be more accurate.
    This includes your friends, your family, your spouse, your children, and your work colleagues.
    We all have people we spend time with. The question you have to ask yourself is: Are they a healthy person to be around?
    If, whenever you see a certain individual, you end up getting drunk, do you think that’s a healthy association?
    If, whenever you see another individual, you have

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