Stop Wasting Your Life & Do Something

Stop Wasting Your Life & Do Something by Simon Smith Read Free Book Online

Book: Stop Wasting Your Life & Do Something by Simon Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Simon Smith
Tags: Health; Fitness & Dieting, Self-Help, Motivational
seconds. So if it takes you 21 seconds out of your 24 hour day, can anyone do this?
    The problem with things that are easy to do, is that they are also easy NOT to do (got that concept from Jim Rohn). It’s easy to do the push-ups, but it’s even easier not to do them. Again, it comes down to choices, and self-discipline.
    If you’ve told everyone that you’re going to get fit, you’ve started a photo journal of your progress, and you’ve put a reminder in your phone/calendar to do it every day, and you’re STILL not doing it, then what’s stopping you? It’s your mind……..

Chapter 15
    Healthy Thinking
    Here’s a concept you may not be aware of….
    You are not your mind.
    Ever had a thought you didn’t want? If you’re like most people, this probably happens all the time. So if you don’t want it, and didn’t request this thought, why are you having them?
    Because you’re not your mind! Thoughts pop in and out of your head all of the time, whether you want them to or not. Don’t believe me? Then try and stop thinking for one whole minute.
    The thing about your thoughts is that you can look at them, realise what they are, and then either be affected by them, or ignore them. If you WERE your thoughts, then you wouldn’t be able to do this would you!
    So now that you know this, how does this help you to enjoy healthy thinking?
    This is one of those things that fall into the ‘Simple, but not necessarily easy’ category. By that I mean that the process is simple, but to actually follow it strictly and consistently takes practice and discipline.
    As James Allen says in ‘As A Man Thinketh’, your mind is like a garden. If you allow it to do as it wishes, and run wild, it will become a mess of tangled weeds. If you tend it, and look after it, it will become a beautiful garden.
    Here’s an example:
    You’re at home doing the washing up and a thought comes into your head. You’re thinking about your day at work, and a difficult conversation you had with your boss. You’re thinking about how you’d like to tell your boss where to go, and stick his job up his ‘You know what’.
    You feel yourself getting tense and wound up as you think about it.
    Now if you were to stop time and realise what is actually going on here, you are letting your mind control you. Just as the weeds will take your garden, your mind has taken you over. Negativity is spreading through your body and making you feel bad.
    The reality of the situation is that you’re washing up, and probably in a nice, warm homely environment, but your mind is twisting your body up and making you feel awful.
    This happens to us so naturally, that 99% of the time, you won’t even be aware that it is happening. Because you are so used to being attached to the contents of your mind, and being associated with your thoughts, you won’t normally realise that this is happening. It’s automatic.
    The first step is to be AWARE of your thoughts. A great way of doing this is to practice mindful meditation.
    Allow yourself ten minutes for this exercise.
    Sit down at a table, and put your hands down flat in front of you. Now just relax your body and try to clear your mind. Do this for a minimum of ten minutes. Every single time a thought involuntarily comes into your head, observe it (but don’t become attached to it) and then let it go.
    What happened?
    If you’re like most people, you probably started thinking after about 2 seconds. You may have started thinking about what you’re doing, and thinking that you shouldn’t be thinking. Then, after a while, other random thoughts popped into your head. Some of them you could just observe, and some of them you became attached to.
    You then probably realised that you were becoming attached, and quickly got rid of the thought.
    How did it feel? Did you find that for the first time ever, you were aware of your

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