Storm of Arranon Fire and Ice
know of that’s ever seen a Shifter and
lived to tell anyone.”
    “Yeah, well, I hope I never see another one.
If it hadn’t been for the maejen coming for me and taking me to
safety, I’m sure the Shifters would have grown bold, their
curiosity changing to something much worse.”
    Cale watched her, an expression of wonder in
his eyes. “This connection you have with the animals. It’s
    Erynn frowned. “If no one lived to share an
experience, how do you know these things about Shifters?”
    Cale shrugged. “Ancient writings. Tales
passed down through the generations.”
    Her stomach rumbled.
    A smile spread to his blue eyes. “How long
has it been since you’ve eaten?”
    She brushed at the material over her stomach.
“Ummm, yesterday evening, a protein bar and some water.” She
grinned. “They may be complete nutrition, but I don’t want to eat
them if I don’t have to.”
    “Go to the dining hall. Then get some
    Erynn’s brow drew together. “I need to find
Jaer first. I want to apologize to him.”
    Cale put his hand on her lower back and
pushed her gently toward the door. “Jaer’s down in the lowest
tunnels, testing the security of our perimeter. You can’t go down
there. Jaer wants no one in the area while he and his people are on
patrol. It’s too dangerous.” Cale stopped before the door. “Jaer
takes the security of this base seriously. His need to protect you
is personal. Go eat. Jaer’s over being angry with you. He can’t
stay mad at you for long.” He chuckled.
    Erynn’s head jerked toward the hall. “So
what’s with Zach, my guard?”
    Cale’s eyes narrowed, his smile gone.
“Protecting, not guarding. Give us this one small concession,
    Erynn nodded and felt the corners of her
mouth turn up a bit. She stepped through the door. “Come on, Zach.
Hope you’re hungry. We’re going to the dining hall.”
    Zach remained in the common room, giving
Erynn her space, but making sure she was aware of his constant
presence. In her quarters, she watched the world outside the base
on the DVSL. The sky darkened as night approached. Snow fell. Large
flakes raced sideways when the wind gusted.
    According to Cale, Jaer was no longer angry
with her, but she hadn’t heard from him since his reprimand in the
transport bay.
    Exhaustion won as the day outside succumbed
to night. Erynn crawled under thick covers, asleep before the next
gust slammed against the mountainside.
    More disturbing dreams haunted her sleep,
only this time the shadowy beings moved closer.
    Deformed faces with wide black eyes and
mouths full of pointed teeth took shape out of the gloom. They
danced and writhed around a raised stone alter. A large form slowly
came to a sitting position on the dais. His face in shadow turned
to her .
    Erynn sat up and gasped, wide awake.
    Jaer stepped through the door, sliding it
shut behind him. The dim light from the corridor briefly cast a
faint radiance around him. “I did not mean to startle you.” He sat
on the edge of her bunk and pulled her into his arms.
    “Jaer.” She nestled against him, breathed in
his spicy scent, took comfort in his closeness.
    He stiffened, relaxed, and drew her closer.
“You were dreaming. What was it?”
    “Nothing. Cale and I talked about Dhoran
today, about the Shifters. They were on my mind and I dreamed about
them. That’s all.”
    “Are you sure?”
    Jaer understood that her dreams were often
more than what most people experienced. Sometimes they were visions
or predictions of the future.
    Erynn glanced up in the dark. She reached
out, grasped the back of his neck, and pulled his face close. “I’m
sure.” She found his mouth with hers.
    “Come back to my quarters. Sleep with me
tonight.” His lips curved in a smile. “It has been a long time
since you stayed with me. I need to hold you, know you are
    “Let me get my boots and coat.”
    “No. I will carry you.” He wrapped her in the

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