Storm of Arranon Fire and Ice
notified someone other than the
transport tech what I was doing,” Erynn mumbled and kicked at a meerat running across the shadow-filled corridor in front of
her. “I could have taken Roni with me. She would have gone.” She
sighed. “But that would have endangered her as well as myself.” She
turned down the tunnel to her quarters, a warm meal forgotten for
the moment. “I’ll find Jaer and Cale. Apologize.” It would be
easier to let the incident slide and forget her poor judgment. “No.
I am accountable for my actions. If I make a mistake, I need to be
    Erynn entered her quarters to clean up and
change clothes.
    I must be saturated with the subtle
bouquet of a maejen den, wet fur, raw bones, and ages of
dirt .
    She stared with longing at the bed as she
stepped toward the washroom door near the foot of her bunk and
closed her eyes briefly. “Shower first. Apologize. Then sleep.” Her
stomach growled. “Okay, shower, apologize, eat, and then
    She stripped out of her clothes, tossing them
in a bin set into the wall across from the shower. There was still
an odd lingering scent in the small room. She picked up one of her
boots, sniffed, and jerked her head back. “Time for new boots.” The
old ones followed her clothes down the chute.
    Steam from the spray of hot water in the
shower swirled and condensed on cool surfaces. She stood under the
stinging surge, letting it warm and loosen tight muscles. When her
stomach protested its empty condition yet again, Erynn turned off
the water and stepped out.
    A panel above and to the left of the bin
allowed her to choose clean clothing and new boots. Directly over
the bin, ducts connected to the laundry ended in a closed cabinet.
She made her selections, white being the only color choice, and
waited. When she heard the whoosh of air through the ducts, she
opened the cabinet and removed her clean clothes.
    Erynn left the warm, moist interior of the
washroom. The bed beckoned once more, and Erynn slowed. Her stomach
objected at the delay. “All right. I’m going. Best to get this over
with. Quick and painless. Right.” She nodded decisively, pulled on
a clean coat, unlocked her outer door, and moved into the narrow
    Familiar faces, and some not so, glanced at
her as she passed through the common room. The DVSL showed a split
screen of several tunnels and warrens. Everyone was doing his or
her part, keeping watch. At least now they had an idea of what
might be out there.
    One man in particular followed her course,
his deep-hazel eyes tracking her progress. “Are you leaving the
quarters, Erynn?” He stood up. “No one should go out alone,
especially with the news you brought back.”
    Erynn stopped. “I’m just going to see Cale.”
She frowned. She didn’t know this man.
    He knows me .
    He smiled. The lines around his mouth
deepened. “I’ll go with you. I’m not doing anything. Better to be
    “Who are you?”
    “I’m Zach.” His smile faded. “I’m an old
friend of Jaer’s.”
    Of course, Zach would be a friend of
Jaer’s. He was tall, muscular, and powerful, wearing a black tunic
and pants.
    “I see,” Erynn mumbled. “Well let’s go,
    Erynn was able to go right into Cale’s
office. He was alone, a rarity these days. Zach remained just
outside the door.
    Cale stopped what he was doing at his desk
and leaned back in his chair. “Erynn?”
    Erynn cleared her throat and stood to
attention. “I want to apologize. I should have told someone I was
going out and why, sir.” She continued to stare at a gray-green
swirl on the smooth stone wall behind Cale’s head. “It won’t happen
again. I am sorry.”
    Cale sighed and glanced away from her for a
moment. “Erynn, do you remember what I told you when you first came
here? That you could come to me with anything? That I was here for
you?” He stood up and walked around the desk.
    Erynn no longer stared at the wall. “Yes,
sir.” She

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