"I admit it occurred to me. But I've waited too long for this to just turn tail and run. It doesn't happen a lot around here, does it?"
"No, and good for you," Morgaine said. "Your attack was the first on our block as far as I know."
"Lucky me."
Gwyneth added, "Now as far as people movin' in and right out, that happens, but only in apartment 3A across the hall."
"Hmm… Maybe it's haunted or something?"
Gwyneth looked to Morgaine, who nodded.
"Would you like to sit down, Merry? We can get you a beer or something…"
"Oh, no, thanks. I have to go back to my apartment and get some sleep. I just wanted to sort of warn you that Dottie's on the warpath about some loud noises coming from your apartment."
The women's eyes widened. "Noise? What kind of noise?" Gwyneth asked.
"She said 'hooting and hollering.' Oh, and 'screaming,' I believe."
The women looked at each other, and Gwyneth flinched.
"And she was telling you this because…?" Morgaine asked.
"Oh, no. She was talking to Jason. She wanted him to talk to you about it, but he was embarrassed. He's a really nice guy and I didn't want to see him squirm, so I said I'd tell you. It's no big deal. I mean, I think it's great that you two are so into each other and have such gratifying sex."
Morgaine straightened and stared. Gwyneth slapped a hand over her mouth. At last the uncomfortable silence shattered when the two women burst out laughing.
Merry cocked her head, confused about what she had said that amused them so much. Eventually the pair settled down and Morgaine spoke.
"We're not lesbians, Merry. We're phone-sex actresses. Sometimes the guys want us to pretend we're getting off too, so they can feel all pumped up about how virile they are."
"Virtually virile, she means," Gwyneth drawled.
"Oh! So that's how you make your living?" Well, that was unexpected.
"That among other things. It's not like we can really keep it down much. It's what pays the rent. I don't suppose Dottie would care, even if she knew that."
Merry shrugged one shoulder. "Probably not. But maybe there's some kind of soundproofing Jason could look into."
"Some what?" Gwyneth asked.
"Soundproofing—between your two apartments."
Merry glanced around and noticed a lack of carpeting. "In the meantime, maybe you could put down some rugs as a noise dampener?"
Gwyneth nodded. "We could try it."
"Anything to keep the wicked witch of 2B happy, right?" Merry winked conspiratorially.
The women raised their eyebrows, then burst out laughing again.
Now what did I say?
Chapter 3
JASON HANDED A BEER TO HIS UNCLE, TOOK A SEAT ON his low side chair, and stretched out his legs. "How's it going?"
"With me? You know. Same old, same old. I thought I'd see if your life was more interesting."
Jason chuckled. "Well, tonight I got to know one of my tenants better… a lot better."
Ralph leaned forward. "Tell me all about it."
"Merry, the nurse who recently moved in, came for dinner. Jeez, I almost came in my pants while we were making out on the couch."
Ralph laughed. "Glad to hear it. But in a way, that's why I decided to pay you a visit. We need to talk."
"Talk? About my love life?"
Ralph rested his elbows on his knees. "I know this is something you'd probably rather hear from your father, but I'm here and he isn't, so I'm taking it upon myself to have the talk with you."
Jason's eyes rounded. "You mean the birds and the bees? Uncle Ralph, I'm twenty-seven years old. I've known about sex since I was eleven."
Ralph chuckled but quickly turned serious. "Not that talk. The one specifically connected to our family genetics."
"Oh, yeah. I suppose that's a talk we could have."
"Ever since you were a little boy, girls have followed you around and been fairly forward with you.