baby. I figured, why make it easy for you to keep your hands off of me?"
"It doesn't make it harder, if that's what you think. I don't even like that cologne." Actually, I love that scent and I'm wondering how he found out. I may have to kill Robyn later.
Jonathan places two white bags down on the table and turns around and looks at me. "Eat your breakfast, crazy girl."
He slides a bag across to my seat, opposite him. It has everything from the McDonald's breakfast menu inside. My stomach grumbles at the scent of pancakes and grease. Yum. I pull out the food and dig in.
Jonathan watches me for a little bit before saying, "I've never met anyone like you."
"It's refreshing. You're not trying to impress me and you seriously don't seem to care about my massive fortune. You haven't mentioned my brother killing his wife or asked where he buried the missing gun..." he smiles at me. "You didn't live in a cave or something before you came here, right? Or an asylum, maybe? You know what family I'm from, right?"
"Yes," I laugh and toss a piece of my pancake at him.
He's from the notorious Ferro family. They have too much money to know what to do with and the heir of the family fortune seems to be cursed. First, Sean, the eldest was the heir, and there was that whole mess with his wife. I'm not sure if he killed her or not. Just because someone doesn't cry it doesn't mean they're guilty. The media played up how stoic Sean had been at the time, like it automatically made him a murderer. Then, control of the fortune was passed to the middle brother, Peter. He had something horrible happen and has been mostly off the map. Then there's Jonathan, the youngest and newest heir. The things I've heard about him don't line up with this sock with sandal wearing guy. Maybe the press just makes crap up. Another story, another dollar, another day. Yes, I'm jaded. So sue me.
Jonathan picks at his hash browns for a second. When he glances up, he hits me with those vulnerable baby blues. "Then why?"
"Why what?" I'm not following him, like at all. I kind of wish I was. That look is intoxicating and as I gaze at him, I realize I never want it to end. I'm insane. I blink and look away, then take another bite of food, intentionally stuffing my mouth to look as unattractive as possible.
Jonathan's eyes wander around the little kitchen. He takes a bite of food, chews, and sits back in his chair. "Why the instant disdain? You don't like me, but it seems to have nothing to do with my garish amount of cash, or my last name—so then what is it?"
My words are harsh, but the smile on my face and my sarcastic tone lightens the punch. "You ever think it might just be you?"
The corners of his lips tip up. "Of course not, everyone loves me."
" Everyone is not the correct word."
Jonathan glances up and gives me a look that makes my knees weak. "It will be."
Cassie doesn't let her defenses drop when I'm around. That light laugh and shy smile only come out when Robyn is with us. It drives me insane. It's like she's shut me out on purpose, like she doesn't want to have anything to do with me. Robyn picked a movie last night and we all went. Cassie ended up next to me and she sat there, leaning as far away as possible, stiff as a board. There have been a few occasions where she seems to relax. I love those times. I crave them and I go over to her house every day to try again.
This isn't like me. Normally, whatever I want falls into my lap, but it'll be a goddamn miracle if that happens. Cassie on my lap would make me smile for the rest of the summer. No, I'm not that shallow. This isn't about the quest—it's about the girl. She makes me feel things I've never felt, and want things that I can't have. Everything seems better when she's around, less dismal. Because let's face the facts, no one cares if a rich guy is depressed. No one gets how isolated it is, and how skewed things get. Never knowing who really likes you and